Ah did not notice it had been updated on the play store already - and yeah it’s working there - so how to get it working in existing projects I wonder?? does anyone know what the difference is when converting? Probably something in the default_engine.ini …
Tested with the updated Learning example TappyChicken 4.7 and it also does not work - so there must be a magic setting missing from all projects including the TappyChicken 4.7 located in the Example Game Projects!
To reproduce:
In the UE4 launcher goto the Learn tab
Download TappyChicken for 4.7 (it’s all the way down the bottom)
Create tappychicken project → export to device
Notice the achievements and leaderboard buttons do not do anything
Script your leaderboards& achievements in blueprint (using Show/Write leaderboard/achievements nodes): http://i.imgur.com/4HxiUoN.png
Upload your .apk to alpha testing on google play.
After a few hours download your game from google play and test leaderboards&achievments.
I know it’s not easy, you had to do a lot of things to check ldrbrds&achivements, but it works. I have tested it with UE 4.7 preview 8 and full 4.7 version, you can download my simple acrade game made only with blueprints here: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.xplosionwd.TheElements
And you can test that leaderboards&achievemenets work without problems. Game work only with ATITC and DXT devices.
Checking the logCat after converting project to 4.7 and exporting I see:
“Play Games callback indicates connection failure”
The fact that it is working for you however shows it’s not an engine bug and something wrong with the conversion process for my game so I’ll need to dig deeper - thanks anyway for confirming it works in general for 4.7!
Not sure really what the issue is - but after testing on a different device it all works fine. For whatever reason non-store versions do not work on my phone - however after I uploaded to the store and download from there it works