4.6 : Unable to package on Mac OS X 10.10.1

We are unable to package (configuration shipping) our project on Machintosh.
We also tried packaging the ShooterGame sample, but we encounter the same error :

UnrealPak: dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: can’t resolve symbol _u_setMemoryFunctions_53 in /Users/our_user/Desktop/Developers/UDK/our_checkout/Engine/Binaries/Mac/UnrealPak because dependent dylib #9 could not be loaded

We are using the 4.6 from git (release branch).
We applied the latest updates on the system and XCode, but this did not solve the issue.
We have the Mac SDK 10.10.

What could we do to solve our issue ?


Additionnal informations:
It seems that the #9 library corresponds to the library entry (from otool -L UnrealPak) :
@rpath/libicuuc.53.1.dylib (compatibility version 53.0.0, current version 53.1.0)

However this library is present here:


But it seems UnrealPak can’t find it ?

We found a solution to bypass our problem.
It seems the RPATH values of the compiled UnrealPak have backslashes instead of slashes.

On the UnrealPak from our git checkout:

otool -l UnrealPak
Load command 32
          cmd LC_RPATH
      cmdsize 32
         path @loader_path/ (offset 12)
Load command 33
          cmd LC_RPATH
      cmdsize 32
         path @executable_path/ (offset 12)
Load command 34
          cmd LC_RPATH
      cmdsize 64
         path @loader_path/..\ThirdParty\ICU\icu4c-53_1\Mac (offset 12)

On the UnrealPak from the binary distribution of the engine:

Load command 32
          cmd LC_RPATH
      cmdsize 32
         path @loader_path/ (offset 12)
Load command 33
          cmd LC_RPATH
      cmdsize 32
         path @executable_path/ (offset 12)
Load command 34
          cmd LC_RPATH
      cmdsize 64
         path @loader_path/../ThirdParty/ICU/icu4c-53_1/Mac (offset 12)

So replacing the git UnrealPak by the UnrealPak of the binary distribution of the engine seems to solve the issue.

use that program, to change unreal pack please help!