Hi I have two questions
First, in the 4.6 version of UE4 i can save the setting like r.shadowquality in gameusersettings.ini like in the 4.5 or the windows size because every time i change the gameusersettings.ini file UE4 overwrite the file.
Second question is about the web browser widget. Where do i found the widget ? i never found tutorial or help about the new feature.
Thank you for your question.
I was able to locate it in code as SWebBrowser, but it is not exposed within the editor itself. This is because it is part of the developer code. It was realized by the UI programmers that this is a major problem, as the developer folder is not packaged with the game and it should not be for legal reasons.
I have informed them of the issue and they are now working on a solution. Thank you for bringing this to our attention, we will make an announcement once this is rectified.
Can you post your other question as a new question? It will need an answer from a different technician than myself.
Thank you,