Engine version 4.6 built from Github source.
I’ve been super excited about the BP Sessions stuff show in the video below :
[Twitch Stream]
I put together something based on the video and there is basic functionality when I run it through the editor (it completes session bp functions and doesn’t crash but doesn’t find results or advertise on steam). When I try run a packaged build it crashes out. An outline of my workflow lies below and the log+callstack following that:
Make sure that I’m using the correct version of steam and that it’s selected as my default platform.
Make sure that AppID and other relevant info is setup.
Created a Blueprint extending GameInstance and named it MyGameInstance.
Created Custom Events for Host,Find,Join and Destroy Sessions and connected the relevant Sessions BPs.
Did not fill out the On Init Event as I’m not sure what would go there.
Created a UMG server browser (not as tricky as I thought it would be, Yay UMG ).
Setup switches and messages for Error handling events in GameInstance BP.
Set project GameInstance as MyGameInstanceBP.
Packaged for testing with Win32 and Win64 with same results.
[Callstack + Log]
Is it possible that I could get some assistance with this ? Documentation is non-existent at the moment and that’s understandable as its a new feature but some advice or a quickstart guide would go a long way 
Best Regards and Much Love
I double checked my defaultengine.ini and it seems that I had two GameInstance classes specified. I removed the additional one , leaving only the GameInstanceBP and rebuilt for testing. This didn’t change anything though and the client still crashed. I’ve installed 4.6.1 and made a copy of my project, I shall try the same there and report back.
Still no luck with this unfortunately.
Hey MrNexy,
Sorry to hear you’re having trouble with this. First of all, I’d recommend trying to get your game working with just the Null service. This will allow you to test with multiple instances on the same machine, and over a LAN, and the same Blueprint logic should work for both services.
Currently the Steam online subsystem is disabled for play-in-editor. We may re-evaluate this in the future, but Steam doesn’t allow multiple instances of a game anyway, so testing Steam online functionality with multiple play-in-editor instances wouldn’t work.
The call stack for the crash appears to be unrelated to online sessions, but it might be due to corrupt cooked content - you can try deleting your cooked directory & cooking again.
Hey Ryan,
Thank you for taking the time to get back to me on this and providing clarification on the subject. I shall clear everything out and give it another go.
I cleaned everything out but the crash still persists, do you think it could be related to the following ?
UE-3480 Launching a project with a
custom Game Instance assigned will
receive an error and crash the
launching window
Hey MrNexy,
Good catch - yes, that does appear to be the issue here. As of right now the fix isn’t in the 4.7 branch, but it will be in the GitHub master branch, if you’d like to try it out with your project.
I’ll definitely look into that. Thank you 
That is even better news
Have a great day Ryan !
Minor correction - the fix is not in 4.7 preview 4, but it will make it into a future 4.7 preview.