I found a work around for the hierarchy bug by reading other posts.
I could only get the project down to 2.48 gig zipped. The editor would delete a folder, show it gone, but the same folder would still be in the project when re-opened.
The project has other non-fatal errors.
I can’t attach that file here (size) and will upload it to my site. (Very slow upload speed.) If you want to try to get it tomorrow, it should be here:
If that is not possible, then thank you for your time.
To recreate the problem:
Open folder BooCharacter
Open folder InventoryWidgets
Open HUD widget
Delete ActionBar widget under Canvas Panel (Widget is broken)
Add ActionBar widget from User Created
Select ActionBar widget. Click Size to Content.
Compile & Save
Play. ActionBar widget works (Drop and Drag.)
Stop Play.
Close Editor.
Open Project.
Play. Widget looses size and content (other widgets).
I downloaded your project and did some testing. I was unable to reproduce this error described with the steps provided. I am however, happy that you were able to find a workaround for your issue. Are there any small steps you may have missed in reproducing this issue on our end?
I am getting the exact same bug in my project. I was unable to reproduce, mostly because I dont know exactly what is causing the bug.
I have a UMG Widget called “game interface”, one called “inventory” and one called “inventory button”
basically I used the same logic from the livestream the op was talking about.
Inside my “Game_Interface” widget, I have an “Inventory” widget. Every time I open my project, the inventory widget becomes invalid, I need to delete it, add a new one, resize and anchor and such, then redo all scripting that referenced the original inventory.
I must add in my project I am getting no compile errors, and everyhting is working perfectly as intended. I just have to remake the inventory every time i open my project.
It sounds like you are having a circular reference issue. You will need to use the reference viewer to narrow down what blueprints may be involved. If/when you figure out if you have circular reference and you narrow it down, you will need to rework the logic used in the blueprint(s) so that there is no longer a circular dependency. I hope that this information helps.
Started happening in our 2 year old project, 2 weeks ago.
You can literally right click the stuck widget and “edit” and you will jump into it and see the completely different new version. It’s like they are caching old widget versions and don’t update the instance when the blueprint changes.