4.6.1 to 4.7 performance drop

I have just opened my project in UE 4.7 and the performance dropped to a crawl when launching the game. There were no issues in 4.6.1. I don’t have very much in the project so far mostly UMG (quite alot of UMG) and around 30 scenecaptures, but they are all turned of. I turned the profiler on and got this:

I have no idea what is causing the slowdown.

Further analysis shows that RHIMETHOD_EndDrawingViewport_Flush takes about 350ms pr frame. Is there anything I can to to find out why it is slowing my game down so much?

SOLVED - it turns out that in 4.7 the scenecapturecomponent 2D can’t be tured off by unchecking Auto Activate. Using Visibilty to turn off Scenecapture 2D.

You can create an answer yourself for the solution. thanks.

SOLVED - it turns out that in 4.7 the scenecapturecomponent 2D can’t be tured off by unchecking Auto Activate. Using Visibilty to turn off Scenecapture 2D.