[4.6.1 Steam] online subsystem crashes on client

I’m not getting enough information in log in order to properly be able to see what is causing this crash.

I packaged project using debug 64-bit, using separate steam accounts across two machines in different locations (using TeamViewer10 to perform testing on remote machine). I create a session on remote machine, can join with client machine perfectly fine, both are dropped in a lobby map where they are both able to chat before starting a game.

From this point forward, if anything happens, steam crashes on client machine and makes game hang. Destroying session as client or host will activate this bug, as well as host doing a ServerTravel for both. During server travel, transition map loads perfectly fine on both host and client as well as destination map. It’s only when client has finished loading map that their steam will crash, making game infinitely hang. host is completely fine, steam will never crash on their end, even if they destroy session.

I’m using same steam version on both machines.

Hi ,

It sounds like Steam client is crashing. Is that correct? If so, you should follow up with Valve.

If game is crashing, please provide call stack so we can look into it. Thanks!

Hey ,

That is correct, I’ll try hooking up steamworks v132 and see if that fixes issue.

main concern is … game doesn’t crash, just no longer responds, so no call stack is provided.

Hey ,

Do I need to re-compile engine for it to recognize v132? Logs keep saying LogOnline:Display: STEAM: Loading Steam SDK 1.30

To upgrade Steam SDK, you’ll need to change version in a bunch of places, as it is hardcoded at moment. Look for “v130” (with and without quotes) in code and change that to “v132”. Then recompile. This is assuming you’ve placed Steamworks SDK in a manner similar to ours so it will make directories Steavm132 next to existing Steamv130 in Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/Steamworks, Engine/Source/ThirdParty/Steamworks, etc.

This is a “proper” upgrade. You can also attempt to copy just steam_api.dll (steam_api64.dll for a 64-bit game) from a newer SDK over existing one and see if that works.

It would probably be best to see what Steam client problem is first, as it may be easier. We’re not sure if it matters, but running Steam over a normal session and not a remote one will remove one more unknown from equation.

A game is not supposed to lock up at any time, but we don’t really test crashing Steam client so we can’t be sure that’s what’s causing lockup.

So, I’ve tried changing steam version to latest 1.32 by following not only [steps listed here][1] but also looking for v130 throughout all system files and changing references accordingly.

As soon as I try compiling, I get following errors

Had to revert back to v130 so that engine may compile again.

What I’ve been doing so far has been taking redist files from newer steam versions and adding them to packaged game, but I believe this is causing issue.

  • Using original v130 dll’s with latest steam client dll’s seem to allow me to view sessions that are created, use steam in-game, and let me join a session, until someone destroys session or does a server travel, then client’s steam crashes and completely makes game hang forever without a crash.
  • Using v132 dll’s with latest steam client dll’s still give me steam in-game options and overlay, ability to look for sessions, etc, but now whenever I try to join a session, client instantly has steam crashing and game hangs once again forever without a crash. host sees that someone has connected, along with details of person who has connected. host machine is perfectly fine, steam still running, everything works great.

Given all this, what would you suggest as a possible way to fix this?

Just to re-iterate, this bug only happens on client, never on host.

Hi ,

I apologize for delay, but it looks like we’re working to get 1.32 integrated. This pull request should help in interim:


Is integration going to happen in a 4.7 hotfix or are we looking at 4.8?

It will probably be 4.8. Were you able to use pull request I linked to?

Hey ,

Thanks a lot for pull, I’ll try it out as soon as I can get this fixed, right now it’s stopping me from being able to package for development.

Okay, I’ll make sure I get someone to take a look at that bug report for you.

, you’re awesome, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Hi ,

It looks like issue you reported in this other thread has been reproduced and reported, though there’s no word yet on when that will be fixed. For now, I’m going to resolve this post for now for tracking purposes, but if you get to point where you can try that pull request (or after 4.8 is released and Steamworks 1.3.2 is fully integrated), please feel free to comment here if you’re still experiencing trouble and we’ll keep looking into it. Thanks!