I don’t seem to be able to find alot of functions in BP. I tried finding context sensitive, but i was unable to locate the option. I’m using 4.6.1.
I can see the missing nodes/functions in the palette view.
I don’t see that. I’m trying to edit a material with nodes. Only searchbox and the components are visible. The texts"All actions for this blueprint", and “Select a component to see available Events and Functions” are not visible.
If you are looking at the Material Editor, it’s different than standard blueprints and doesn’t have a Context Sensitive toggle. Everything should be located in the Palette.
Hi TJ Ballard, i’m trying to change the roughness and the metallic effect, but neither one of them is available. I can only find them, in the Palette, but i’m not able to drag and drop them.
There isn’t direct nodes called Roughness or Metallic. These value should be part of the Material Input node as long as the Material Domain is set to either Surface or Deferred Decal.
A very basic way to set these values is to plug a ‘Constant’ node into the material inputs. You can find this in the Palette or just by holding the #1 and left-clicking in the graph. The values should be between 0 and 1.
0=Not Metallic 1=Very Metallic
0=Shiny 1=Rough
In the link below, you can find more info on these inputs and more complex ways to set them up to get different effects.