[4.5] Timers do not recognize a function's friendly name

Dear Epic,

left panel in Blueprints now formats visual appearance of function names to have spaces, even if spaces are not actually there!

This means that using timers and anything were you would copy-paste function name is now very difficult to understand!

Because now you can’t even select function name, press F2, and then copy paste

you have to KNOW how you originally entered function name!


  • Make a new actor class

  • Make a new function

  • Call function TimerTest with no space

  • [4.5] will format both node name and name as it appears in left panel


You are now hiding from us real function name

  • So if you run a SetTimer with “Timer Test” which is how it now appears, that timer does not work!

You have to know to enter name as TimerTest even though there is no absolutely no way to see that this is real function name!

#You Are Hiding Our Actual User Input

You are hiding from us how we originally entered our function names, behind this wall of formatting, and now all BP code is going to be very hard to maintain long term when you forget where you did and did not enter spaces!

See pic for full details

#This is a Disaster for Timers in Blueprints!

#More Info

I am writing this while doing a session with a client in Blueprints where we just encountered this issue and it cost us a lot of time to realize why our timers were not working.

This is a terrible mistake you are making by formatting user input for visual appearances only, causing core functionality of timers to completely break

i have same problem
now i know why it wasn’t working :frowning:


#Tooltip Shows Correct Function Name

Now only tooltip shows correct function name that you have to enter into SetTimer,

or timer will not work!

#What New UE4 User is ever going to figure this out?!

Please fix this immediately


Yeah, this is quite weird. Custom event names stay as you type them and work as expected, i dont know why function naming needs to act like this.

Hi ,

What you are seeing is Friendly Name of function. You can disable this by going to Editor Preferences > Appearance > User Interface and unchecking Show Friendly Variable Names, which includes function names.

I have entered a feature request (UE-4665) for Timers so they can recognize Friendly Name as well as function name, or to include actual function name in Details panel when function is selected. Thanks for feedback!

Please do not mark posts as a crash bug when no crash is involved. Thank you!

“I have entered a feature request (UE-4665) for Timers so they can recognize Friendly Name as well as function name, or to include actual function name in Details panel when function is selected. Thanks for feedback!”

This is a great feature request, thanks !

“Please do not mark posts as a crash bug when no crash is involved. Thank you!”

Hahaha okay fine, then can we have a new tag for “Emotional Crash” ?


Thanks !


Hi ,

It’s recommended to use “_Delegate” versions of timer functions. SetTimer_Delegate should already be there, others were added in cl#2393691 (epic p4, safe for out-of-order merge). They will be released soon.



Thank you for information about recommeneded method Kaziu!
