Are you just trying to enable a ragdoll effect?
This is similar to Phat, mesh exposion type event? - World Creation - Unreal Engine Forums, which has no answers.
Please see attached images - before and during selected simulation. Physics bodies exploding and badly stretching/deforming the mesh. Original default Phys set up did not, but could not be used for ragdoll.
Under 4.5 - driving me nuts. Tried making sure nothing overlaps - also the opposite, making everything overlaps (as they do in the tutorial btw). Switched on Disable collision on each pair. Switched on Enable Projection (setting Linear to zero in an attempt to stop any translation). Standard 3ds Max Biped. Bodies set up for Pelvis/Left thigh/Left Calf/Left Foot. To scaling of root (or any bone) etc. All Linear Limits set to locked. Angular limits as expected (mostly locked in one or two axis and limited else wise). All joints simulate selected (alone at their level in hierarchy) perfectly, but select all the bones (or for one higher in the hierarchy than leaf level) and everything below is stretched on simulate.
Example Settings:
Joint Name: Bip01_L_Thigh
Constraint Bone 1: Bip01_L_Thigh
Constraint Bone 2: Bip01_Pelvis
Disable Collision: Checked (tried both off and on)
Linear Limits: All Motion Axis set to Locked - Linear Breakable: Unchecked
Enable Projection: Checked (tried both off and on)
Projection Linear Tolerance: 0 (also tried default 0.5)
Projection Angular Tolerance: Left at default = 10
Angular Swing 1 Motion: Limited
Angular Twist Motion: Locked
Angular Swing 2 Motion: Limited
Swing 1 Limit Angle: 65
Swing 2Limit Angle: 25
Swing Limit Soft: Checked (default)
Swing Limit Stiffness: 50 (default)
Swing Limit Damping: 5 (default)
Angular Breakable: Unchecked (default)
Angular Break Threshold: 500 (default - grayed out)
Linear Motor: All unselected (default)
Angular Motor: All unselected (default)
[All other joints are the same except for Angular limits as expected]
Thanks for the reply Ky.
Yes, building up to it. Right now I’m building the PHAT Physics set up on one leg (hip through foot left hand side). Goal is to end with a ragdoll for the character in the screenshot (my 3rd person player). Just can’t seem to get past the problem above (btw using C++ third person template - vanilla currently with an imported 3DS FBX mesh from Autodesk Character Creator Pro - Biped - with about 8 imported animations - also FBX)
OK, to answer my own question. It was to do with Units. Although I had generated the Autodesk Character as CM, when imported into 3DS Max, it takes the current set up of Max (scene - usually blank/new) - then the export FBX was set to CM (rather than automatic) so did a rescale which works fine in Max and in much of UE4, but not Phat.
So just a warning to anyone that falls into the same trap. Make sure 3DS Max is set to the correct unit before importing the character and running the rig macro.