Minor (but annoying) bug:
Particle collision channels do not seem to properly store their value when changed, and evidently default to colliding with all channels unless manually specified in a given session.
Spawn a particle emitter from a location on a static mesh with some particles (mesh, sprite, it doesn’t matter) set to collide. I use “Freeze Movement” as the collision option but whatever. Make sure that the emitter spawns the particles within the character’s collision capsule or some other component which is NOT WorldStatic.
Set the collision channel to world static, and save. PIE should show these particles colliding only with WorldStatic objects, as expected.
Now, close the project and reopen it; the particles should collide with the player collisio capsule, the mesh, and everything else.
Open the particle emitter, change the collision channel to, say, WorldDynamic and then BACK to WorldStatic. Suddenly collision works again… But only until the next time you close and reopen the editor.