I’m wondering if there is a magic button somewhere that I can push that will try to compile all blueprints in my project.
I’ve ran into an issue where I was pushing out a build only to find that there was a blueprint somewhere with a compile error, and had to dig through each blueprint to find it.
Same problem here. Even worse, some blueprint errors only occur when starting the editor or packaging the game, but not when compiling the blueprint itself.
I was reading over your post and I agree that this would make a nice feature for the engine. I have written up a feature request ( UE-7286) and I have submitted it to the developers for further consideration. I will provide updates with any pertinent information as it becomes available. Thank you for your feedback.
Even worse, sometimes you manage to generate some (actually important) compiler warnings and the game will still run, despite a quite serious logic error that requires a correction.
I went ahead and double checked on this request, it appears that this status for this issue has not been updated to fixed as of this time. We don’t know when this will be addressed, but it doesn’t look like we’ll have anything ready for 4.11. I hope that this information helps.
I desperately feel the need for this feature, so if it could be added somewhat soon, it would be greatly appreciated. In my case, I use interfaces and UObjects that are included in other classes extensively. As a result, any small change I make in one class will frequently require me to sift through the same dozen blueprints that are related to recompile them, every single time (even if they don’t have any visible changes to correct). If I don’t, then trying to run PIE will take foreever because it has to compile the things anyway (I’m guessing that’s the reason, since when I compile things and then run it, it runs immediately).
Anyway, would just like to bring to Epic’s attention the fact that this is still eagerly desired by people. I understand you guy’s have a lot of features and bug fixes that you roll out with every release, so I get that you have a lot going on elsewhere too.
Any news about this? Could not find anything about it and would need it. I changed a single thing in one of my macrolibs and had to go to many classes recompiling this so they use the changed macro.
Well a compile all button is technically already in the engine. If you go in PIE it makes sure all blueprints are compiled. So you at a temp fix at least you could just go in PIE when all your blueprints are uncompiled.
I just ran into this very issue. Had to track down the right one to compile, then the rest fell into place. Like the OP, due to adding a value in a struct. I understand how some cannot compile before others, as in essence that is the error we are getting. BUT a nice icon on the folder tree, or having the folder change colors if something within needs to be compiled would be swell.
How I do this, although I dont know if this is the right way. But it does seem like they are compile after I change something in the base object or and structure.
Right mouse click on the blueprint asset
Go to Asset actions
Hit Reload
You can do this in bulk having more than one selected.
Again I dont know if this anwser is just, but for me it compiles and works.
Hi, folks. It looks like the issue UE-7286 no longer exists, but I’m also going to throw in a vote for this to be included in a future release; I’m having to pick through 20 or 30 blueprints right now just to find a couple of errors.
On a side note @Rudy Q , over the course of reading a bunch of AnswerHub questions I’ve noticed dozens of old issue tracking numbers that are no longer valid; was there some sort of database switch where old issue tickets were lost, and are there any plans to restore them?
If you take a look at the tracking website you will see that we no longer track feature requests and that the site if only for tracking bugs and their statuses. I have provided a link to the about page for the tracker. I hope that this information helps.