Just as a pipeline demo to ensure I can deploy to mobile devices, I’ve created a new project with the Blueprint 2D Side Scroller template. I decided to just package that and deploy on my device as-is to ensure it works and my provisioning profiles are all correct.
Good news is that it worked fine, but the odd news is that the packaged IPA is 322MB.
Optimizing Packaged Game Size for iOS Projects in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation shows some information on your file sizes for Tappy Chicken, but I’m wondering if I missed the page that shows how to get the packaged file size down so low. My first thought is to just remove every piece of art that comes with the template, but then I think “does the template really have over 250MB in texture files?”
What am I missing? Is the template really that overblown in terms of file size or am I missing some package settings?
Did you by any chance have the ‘Include sample content’ box checked when you created your project? If so, it’s including quite a bit of extra stuff that is referenced in the two example maps. If you delete those example maps (the ones with 3D tiles showing off different materials, chair+table, etc…) and repackage, that will probably drop the size down considerably.
There’s also another ~50 MB you’ll save if you package a Shipping configuration instead of a Development configuration, from stripping symbols and un-needed code from the game executable.
In 4.5 we’ll have a simple packaged size report that you can pull up in the editor indicating where your size is going to, and we have plans to improve it for 4.6 with granular asset details, etc…
I probably did. Thanks for the info! I was planning on doing a purge of all the sample files before shipping anything, just wondered if that was the root cause (+shipping vs. development).