[4.27] Play Asset Delivery - no download progress update

Hello. Trying to setup PAD. Created test project with 3 chunks (On-Demand). Uploaded it on GP, all looks good

I cannot get a correct update on the status of asset pack downloads.
My steps:

  1. Set up Play Asset Delivery according to the official documentation.
  2. Next, the sequence of actions is approximately as follows:
  • I check all asset packs by the list, make a list of unloaded ones to download them.

  • I call the function UGooglePADFunctionLibrary::RequestDownload and then, on tick, check the number of downloaded bytes using UGooglePADFunctionLibrary::GetBytesDownloaded. At the same time, UGooglePADFunctionLibrary::GetTotalBytesToDownload determines the size correctly, but UGooglePADFunctionLibrary::GetBytesDownloaded always returns 0. Moreover, EGooglePADDownloadStatus always returns AssetPack_NOT_INSTALLED.

At the same time, if you wait for a while after starting the download and print the paths of the downloaded chunks, the requested chunks appear there, meaning that the entire download flow works except for the functionality for updating the download status and downloaded bytes.

NDKVersion - ndk21.4.7075529
PAD version - com.google.android.play:asset-delivery:2.2.0

Has anyone encountered a similar problem?

Additionally, I am attaching a link to a test project with all the logic I am using.

Also attach log from logcat

2024-07-08 15:04:53.281 26691-26737/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : startDownload([pakchunk2])
2024-07-08 15:04:53.282 26691-26789/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : Initiate binding to the service.
2024-07-08 15:04:53.297 26691-26691/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : ServiceConnectionImpl.onServiceConnected(ComponentInfo{com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.assetmoduleservice.AssetModuleService})
2024-07-08 15:04:53.297 26691-26789/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : linkToDeath
2024-07-08 15:04:53.524 26691-26789/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : Unbind from service.
2024-07-08 15:04:53.524 26691-26706/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : onStartDownload(-1)
2024-07-08 15:04:53.528 26691-26691/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : keepAlive
2024-07-08 15:04:53.531 26691-26850/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : Initiate binding to the service.
2024-07-08 15:04:53.533 26691-26849/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : keepAlive
2024-07-08 15:04:53.533 26691-26849/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : Service is already kept alive.
2024-07-08 15:04:53.535 26691-26849/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : keepAlive
2024-07-08 15:04:53.535 26691-26849/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : Service is already kept alive.
2024-07-08 15:04:53.547 26691-26691/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : ServiceConnectionImpl.onServiceConnected(ComponentInfo{com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.assetmoduleservice.AssetModuleService})
2024-07-08 15:04:53.548 26691-26850/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : linkToDeath
2024-07-08 15:04:55.562 26691-26849/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : keepAlive
2024-07-08 15:04:55.562 26691-26849/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : Service is already kept alive.
2024-07-08 15:04:57.589 26691-26849/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : keepAlive
2024-07-08 15:04:57.589 26691-26849/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : Service is already kept alive.
2024-07-08 15:04:59.600 26691-26849/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : keepAlive
2024-07-08 15:04:59.600 26691-26849/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : Service is already kept alive.
2024-07-08 15:05:01.545 26691-26849/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : keepAlive
2024-07-08 15:05:01.545 26691-26849/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : Service is already kept alive.
2024-07-08 15:05:03.552 26691-26850/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : Unbind from service.
2024-07-08 15:05:03.552 26691-26710/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : onKeepAlive(true)
2024-07-08 15:05:03.552 26691-26710/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : keepAlive
2024-07-08 15:05:03.562 26691-26850/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : Initiate binding to the service.
2024-07-08 15:05:03.577 26691-26691/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : ServiceConnectionImpl.onServiceConnected(ComponentInfo{com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.assetmoduleservice.AssetModuleService})
2024-07-08 15:05:03.577 26691-26850/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : linkToDeath
2024-07-08 15:05:03.584 26691-26849/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : keepAlive
2024-07-08 15:05:03.584 26691-26849/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : Service is already kept alive.
2024-07-08 15:05:05.582 26691-26849/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : keepAlive
2024-07-08 15:05:05.582 26691-26849/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : Service is already kept alive.
2024-07-08 15:05:06.877 26691-26849/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : keepAlive
2024-07-08 15:05:06.877 26691-26849/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : Service is already kept alive.
2024-07-08 15:05:06.893 3864-26791/? I/Finsky: [13005] aefx.o(7): Processing update for PlayCore extraction service state.
2024-07-08 15:05:06.897 26691-26849/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : keepAlive
2024-07-08 15:05:06.897 26691-26849/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : Service is already kept alive.
2024-07-08 15:05:06.898 26691-26748/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : getChunkFileDescriptor(pakchunk2, pakchunk2, 0, session=162)
2024-07-08 15:05:06.899 26691-26789/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : Initiate binding to the service.
2024-07-08 15:05:06.906 26691-26691/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : ServiceConnectionImpl.onServiceConnected(ComponentInfo{com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.assetmoduleservice.AssetModuleService})
2024-07-08 15:05:06.906 26691-26789/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : linkToDeath
2024-07-08 15:05:06.909 26691-26706/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : onGetChunkFileDescriptor
2024-07-08 15:05:06.909 26691-26789/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : Unbind from service.
2024-07-08 15:05:06.995 26691-26748/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] ExtractChunkTaskHandler : Extraction finished for chunk 0 of slice pakchunk2 of pack pakchunk2 of session 162.
2024-07-08 15:05:06.995 26691-26748/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : notifyChunkTransferred
2024-07-08 15:05:06.996 26691-26789/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : Initiate binding to the service.
2024-07-08 15:05:07.001 26691-26691/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : ServiceConnectionImpl.onServiceConnected(ComponentInfo{com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.assetmoduleservice.AssetModuleService})
2024-07-08 15:05:07.001 26691-26789/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : linkToDeath
2024-07-08 15:05:07.009 3864-26791/? I/Finsky: [13005] aefx.o(7): Processing update for PlayCore extraction service state.
2024-07-08 15:05:07.011 26691-26849/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : keepAlive
2024-07-08 15:05:07.011 26691-26849/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : Service is already kept alive.
2024-07-08 15:05:07.028 26691-26793/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : onNotifyChunkTransferred(pakchunk2, pakchunk2, 0, session=162)
2024-07-08 15:05:07.028 26691-26789/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : Unbind from service.
2024-07-08 15:05:07.034 26691-26748/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] VerifySliceTaskHandler : Verification of slice pakchunk2 of pack pakchunk2 successful.
2024-07-08 15:05:07.038 26691-26748/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : notifyModuleCompleted
2024-07-08 15:05:07.038 26691-26789/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : Initiate binding to the service.
2024-07-08 15:05:07.038 26691-26748/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : notifyModuleCompleted
2024-07-08 15:05:07.040 26691-26691/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : ServiceConnectionImpl.onServiceConnected(ComponentInfo{com.android.vending/com.google.android.finsky.assetmoduleservice.AssetModuleService})
2024-07-08 15:05:07.041 26691-26789/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : Already connected to the service.
2024-07-08 15:05:07.041 26691-26789/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : Waiting to bind to the service.
2024-07-08 15:05:07.041 26691-26789/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : linkToDeath
2024-07-08 15:05:07.048 3864-26791/? I/Finsky: [13005] aefx.o(7): Processing update for PlayCore extraction service state.
2024-07-08 15:05:07.050 26691-26793/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : onNotifyModuleCompleted(pakchunk2, sessionId=162)
2024-07-08 15:05:07.050 26691-26789/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : Leaving the connection open for other ongoing calls.
2024-07-08 15:05:07.051 26691-26793/? I/PlayCore: UID: [10435] PID: [26691] AssetPackServiceImpl : onNotifyModuleCompleted(pakchunk2, sessionId=162)