[4.27] Groom Cache just crash

Hi there

I want to use groom cache in 4.27.

But put in the groom cache just crash. (I try strands, guides cache both all)

And If I success, that can’t move. Just hold.

I use Maya 2022, Yeti 4.0.3.

How I can fix it ?

Test Groom Cache

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It little work… must be unchecked Looping…

Test Groom Cache 2

’ Looping ’ must unchecked to little work. (Groom Cache tab)
UE is crush again If Looping check.

And the Log looks like this " LogGroomCacheStreaming: Tried to map an unavailabe non-requested chunk: 25. "

I try use Yeti 4.0.4 and change the export option ’ mel script -samples 3’ → ‘-samples 1’.
It is work!

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