4.27 docs pages give "400 Bad Request" errors

Trying to navigate to this page https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/API/Runtime/Engine/Engine/UStaticMesh/index.html instead loads this page https://docs.unrealengine.com/4.27/en-US/API/Runtime/Engine/%ROOT%/UStaticMesh/index.html which just contains the words “400 Bad Request”. All search results linking to latest Unreal docs do similarly.

Trying to visit UStaticMesh | Unreal Engine Documentation [note the “4.26” in URL] works as expected.

Hello verdyss,

Thanks for pointing that out. There’s definitely an issue with the page URL, and we will look into getting it fixed.

Here/s another that would be nice to work.

THere’s a broken reference here Applying Burn Ins | Unreal Engine Documentation
and doing a google search for customburnin points to a missing document.

Hello scottunreal,

The custom burn ins page was folded in to the main page with the 4.27 docs. The broken link was an oversight, thanks for pointing it out.

Also, this page is out of date, and is due for a major update in the near future. Use it with caution for now.

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