(4-27) Compiled content in Visual Studio 2019 will not show up in Unreal Engine 4.27 any more. Compile SFX has stopped.

Hi guys,

Compiled content in Visual Studio 2019 will not show up in Unreal Engine 4.27 any more.

I have been going through a Tom Looman tutorial in Unreal Engine (4-27)

Everything has been working fine until now these are my steps to create the bug:

  1. Manually added 2 files to my Visual Studio project within visual studio 2019.
  2. I then ran the option within Unreal editor to refresh the visual studio project.
  3. I was then prompted to reloaded the project. I reloaded it
  4. I compiled the project and it compiled fine.
  5. When the compile finished successfully I no longer could hear the unreal engine sound fx for the compile.
  6. Any content I change within my class within VS will no longer show up in Unreal.

The only way to get it to work. Is to click the compile button within Unreal Engine Editor. That will make the compile SFX and then my change will come through.

Can someone please help me out with this as this is the second time this has happened. The first time I had to make a whole new unreal project and start again and copy all my content over.

Really appreciate any help.
