[4.27.2] How to get the AbsolutePosition of Combobox Options?

I have used the On Generate Widget Event on my Combobox to use a custom UserWidget for the Combobox options. I want to add additional elements to the menu that draw lines pointing at each option. But whenever I try to get the positions of the Combobox Options, they return 0,0.

How do you get the AbsolutePosition of the options in an opened Combobox?

I figured it out. I am posting what I learned here in case someone else needs the info:

First I get the Combobox, then I get the SWidget of the Combobox using:


From there I get the Combobox’s FChildren using:


Parsing the data within using:

for (size_t i = 0; i < ComboboxFChildrenData->Num(); i++)
TSharedRef < SWidget > ComboboxFChild = ComboboxFChildrenData->GetChildAt(i);

There are two children within. The Button, and the Option List Box. From there it is a simple matter to get all the position data I need.

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