4.27.2, 5.2.0 won't launch using "launch"

When click on 5.2 launch or 4.27.2 launch I get an error. LS-0019-IS-PQR1603 I have tried what you have suggested. It does not work. It works when I run the editor. This seems a little strange.

I don’t know, can you provide more of the error? Is LS-0019-IS-PQR1603 everything you receive when you launch?

Lanunch Failed
The prerequisites for Unreal failed to install.
error code: LS-0019-IS-PQR1603

I found it takes a bit of extra time and a reboot to install the pre req’s
It says failed, but retry the install of prereq and restart after giving it more time.
I think one thing has to install fully before the last things install

Still no help. I did try an install again. Lanunch Failed
The prerequisites for Unreal failed to install.
error code: LS-0019-IS-PQR1603
I have an old computer in my basement and install it worked OK. It is windows 10.

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