Hi all, I’m having trouble using the “get component bounds” node with splines in construction script
- In the attached image, I’m drawing a debug box based on the origin and box extents of the spline component in my blueprint actor using “Get component bounds”
- To the right is the blueprint dropped directly into scene unedited
- To the left is the blueprint dropped into scene and the spline edited.
You can see that the construction script is drawing the bounds the same for both splines despite one of them being edited
- To the left is the blueprint dropped into scene and the spline edited.
No matter what settings I change, I can’t seem to get the construction script to recognise the bounds of the spline edited in level.
Something to note is that if I run the exact same code in event begin play, and hit play, the bounds are drawn correctly for both splines.
Has anyone come across this before or can offer a potential solution? Feels like an engine bug to me.