Using oceans,rivers,lakes from the new water system with landscapes that have a lot of elevation can cause the water to not render. As shown in the screenshoots,as long as the value of the z of the Water Body is lower than -10027.0,the water no longer renders corectly.
If anyone else is experiencing this,I found a quick fix.Under water content/materials/mpc MPC_Water change TerrainMinZ from -10000 to something like -100000.
Thank you! I started to think that it will never work! I can only add that you need to enable “show engine content” to find that folder.
I am having the same problem, I changed MPC_water TerrainMinZ from -10000 to lower, but whenever I pack the game, the water renders at z 0 instead of where it is supposed to be.
Same with me, the water renders at z 0 instead on the landscape. Any hint, how to fix this?
Anything new?
Disable water plugin and after restarting the engine re-enable it. After final restart, engine may work as expected.
Worked for me on UE 4.27
I found the solution for the Z position, simply go into the water ocean material inst and uncheck “Enable water VS mapping” and it should work
Oh!thanks a lot,Love you man, this issue bother me for a very long time.
Slightly different issue i had whereby i wanted to adjust the water height independent of the landscape (google suggests this page) although this may also help with this issue.
If you edit the main water material for the lake, ocean, river your using; named something like water_material_[lake, ocean, river] then scroll down to the “Global Static Switch Parameter Val” section and tick both boxes for “UseFixedZ” this will allow you to adjust the water height.
Epic really needs to invest more money in people for documentation/guides/help/support, when doing basic things theres lots of info out there but as soon as you want to do something a bit more complicated or atypical theres a massive void, so many posts or questions where things never get answered.
Hope this helps someone.
How to change the Z axis in 4.27
I move the Z axis of the water and it won’t change
4.27 There seems to be no UseFixedZ option
I searched everywhere for a real solution for this problem and there it is - as simple as a checkbox. You’re a life savior, thanks a lot!
Duuuuuuuuuuuuude you are amazing!!! Thank you!!!