There is really nothing to log here. That’s all the info I have.
“1>UnrealBuildTool : error : Platform Linux is not a valid platform to build. Check that the SDK is installed properly.”
This wasn’t the issue with 4.25 that has built itself absolutely without issues
Is anyone else having trouble building 4.26 against linux(cross compile) ? Engine source doesn’t seem to download Linux toolchain at all, and even downloading toolchain separately and assigning env variable throws compiler error, just different, because it finds the toolchain.
I am using 4.26 full release version compiled from source, Answer Hub gives me only 4.26 preview option.
Hmm, funny. I tried running, and interesting thing happened. The whole directory at Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty/Mono/Linux/bin is marked as read-only. And changing it and saving, puts it back at read only. Also it doesn’t allow me to change any privileges. I don’t have Perforce set up for the engine or anything, it’s just downloaded from Github. Clean. Wondering what is blocking it…
It can be closed now. Fixed. Seems like using opera browser is no longer a thing Basically going into UE documentation, website works badly with my browser, and willing to download the newest toolchain for cross-compiling, it redirected me to the native toolchains. Therefore I just trusted it and downloaded the native one which was detected, because it had the same name, but it failed because it was native of course, and I am cross-compiling.
Resolved! Thanks.