I saw in the release notes there is a way to record and replay DMX input. Is there any info on how to go about using this feature? Should I use the take recorder? Once I have recorded some data, how do I then play that back and control the dmx fixtures in the scene with that data?
Yes you should use take recorder.
First, make sure your DMX plugins are enables and you have DMXLibrary with at least one fixture added. Then go to Window -> cinematics -> take recorder. Next click on green button “Source” and add DMX Library. Next choose the DMXLibrary you just added, (should be below Source button) and select you DMX Library asset. Then you can choose which fixtures you want to add or add all. You can tweak also some options but defaults should work too. When everything is prepared click Play button in main window then go back to Take Recorder and hit big red circle in right upper corner. Now you’re recording and when you change dmx signal it should be captured to keys in sequencer. After you hit stop a pop-up message will display and inform you that recording is complete. It will be in “Content->Cinematics->Takes->ActualDate” as LevelSequence. Double click that LevelSequence and there should be blue bar with your recorded keys. Double click that blue bar to open it. That’s all.
Important: when you want to play that LevelSequence remember to disable external DMX signal because it will interferent.
Hi guys, Thank you so much for these posts. I have followed the steps verbatim and I see the recorded dmx in the sequencer. Disconnected the external dmx stopped play then play again. When I play back the Sequence I do not see the result. Although I see the camera animation etc… Even if I try to render the result. What do you think I could be doing wrong?