4.26 Control rig and Physics not working together?


My project tried to use Control Rig to animate a character, which is a really cool feature that allows me to do particular animations. What I did in 4.25 is most bones driven by control rig but some other bones simulate physics, was working fine in 4.25, but in 4.26, when I add the new control rig component and add mapped skeletal mesh, the physics simulation is not working. Does anyone know how to use control rig and physics animation together? Thanks.

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Same issue here. Did you manage to figure this out? Is mapping the skeletal mesh overriding the physics movement? I tried adding rigid body physics to the skeletal mesh’s post process animation blueprint but still no physics.

Darn, fighting with the same in 5.1 … tried post process animation blueprint, but without any success.
I even removed simulated bones from control rig, just to be sure… no difference.