4.25 Text3DComponent not visible in BP


it seems that the Text3DComponent is currently not “visible” inside the actor blueprints (4.25). There is no visible Text3DComponent and no node to add a Text3DComponent. Maybe i’m missing something but it’s still available in the “place actor” tab.

Maybe someone can cross-check this issue.


Can confirm this. The UText3DComponent class is not decorated with Blueprintable or BlueprintSpawnableComponent in C++ (as it should be?). Since it is also marked final, there is no way to create a blueprintable sub-class (except overwriting the source file).

This is especially a problem, because a nested Text3DActor inside another Class (using ChildActorComponents) will break and become visually bugged in 50% of the construction script reruns. Might post another bug report on this one tho.