4.25.3 Material Billboard "Size is in Screen Space" Bug

Hi All! I’ve been able to consistently replicate a visual bug in UE 4.25.3 that doesn’t happen in previous versions of UE4…

Create a blank project

Create a new blueprint actor

Add a Material Billboard to the new Blueprint Actor


Set a Generic Material to the Billboard Material Slot


Here’s what it should look like:


Now set “Size is in Screen Space” and adjust the size equally so you can see it on screen.


Now here’s what the bug looks like:


Excpected Result: a Billboard Square.

Bug Result: a Billboard Rectangle


Your screen isn’t square shape I assume.

no. This is a quad not appearing correctly issue.

If you or anyone still has this issue, I’ve discovered you have to set the base sizes in the 16:9 aspect ratio. You have both base sizes set at 0.1. What would fix this if you change the Base Size X = 0.05625.

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Unless all the previous versions of Unreal were wrong, it should have the correct aspect ratio automatically.

But yes, I did end up having to manually adjust my values to be a different ratio to get it to work right.

I recently switched my project from 4.22 to 4.26 and this exact issue happened to me. I really don’t know why it wouldn’t do this automatically as you said. My guess is it’s a bug they haven’t gotten around to fix it.

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Having the same issue with UE 5.3, thanks for the tip!

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