4.25.3 Crash on launch on Quest (only arm64)

My build is crashing after updating to 4.25.3. Armv7 doesn’t crash, just arm64. There’s no game log, all I get is this stack trace:

08-18 12:19:11.993 32240 32240 F libc    : Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x0 in tid 32240 (.Pixnami.TronVR)
08-18 12:19:14.144 32264 32264 F DEBUG   : *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
08-18 12:19:14.145 32264 32264 F DEBUG   : Build fingerprint: 'oculus/vr_monterey/monterey:7.1.1/NGI77B/821490.13210.0:user/release-keys'
08-18 12:19:14.145 32264 32264 F DEBUG   : Revision: '0'
08-18 12:19:14.145 32264 32264 F DEBUG   : ABI: 'arm64'
08-18 12:19:14.145 32264 32264 F DEBUG   : pid: 32240, tid: 32240, name: .Pixnami.TronVR  >>> com.Pixnami.TronVR <<<
08-18 12:19:14.145 32264 32264 F DEBUG   : signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x0
08-18 12:19:14.145 32264 32264 F DEBUG   :     x0   0000000000000301  x1   0000000000000000  x2   0000000000000301  x3   0000007fe2de4bc0
08-18 12:19:14.145 32264 32264 F DEBUG   :     x4   000000000000000d  x5   000000000000001a  x6   0000000000000048  x7   0000000000000001
08-18 12:19:14.145 32264 32264 F DEBUG   :     x8   151630772fd6a945  x9   151630772fd6a945  x10  0000007f740c685a  x11  0000007f87108e00
08-18 12:19:14.145 32264 32264 F DEBUG   :     x12  000000000000000a  x13  0000007f87108e02  x14  151630772fd6a945  x15  000000000000002b
08-18 12:19:14.145 32264 32264 F DEBUG   :     x16  0000007f96144438  x17  0000007f92802200  x18  0000000000000030  x19  0000000000000000
08-18 12:19:14.145 32264 32264 F DEBUG   :     x20  0000007f75e40020  x21  0000007f87108800  x22  0000007f87108800  x23  0000007f96bc7b30
08-18 12:19:14.145 32264 32264 F DEBUG   :     x24  0000007fe2de4b98  x25  ffffff80ffffffd0  x26  0000007fe2de5060  x27  0000007fe2de4b60
08-18 12:19:14.145 32264 32264 F DEBUG   :     x28  0000007fe2de4b98  x29  0000007fe2de5050  x30  0000007f6ea1e41c
08-18 12:19:14.145 32264 32264 F DEBUG   :     sp   0000007fe2de4ad0  pc   0000007f6ea1e438  pstate 0000000080000000
08-18 12:19:14.426 32264 32264 F DEBUG   :
08-18 12:19:14.426 32264 32264 F DEBUG   : backtrace:
08-18 12:19:14.426 32264 32264 F DEBUG   :     #00 pc 0000000007f5b438  /data/app/com.Pixnami.TronVR-1/lib/arm64/libUE4.so (offset 0x6f04000) (_ZN13FOutputDevice8LogfImplEPKDsz+288)
08-18 12:19:14.427 32264 32264 F DEBUG   :     #01 pc 0000000007d97db8  /data/app/com.Pixnami.TronVR-1/lib/arm64/libUE4.so (offset 0x6f04000) (_ZN14FMallocBinned225GetAllocationSizeExternalEPvRy+104)
08-18 12:19:14.427 32264 32264 F DEBUG   :     #02 pc 0000000007e0516c  /data/app/com.Pixnami.TronVR-1/lib/arm64/libUE4.so (offset 0x6f04000) (_ZN18FMallocPoisonProxy4FreeEPv+56)
08-18 12:19:14.427 32264 32264 F DEBUG   :     #03 pc 0000000007dd0788  /data/app/com.Pixnami.TronVR-1/lib/arm64/libUE4.so (offset 0x6f04000) (_ZN7FMemory4FreeEPv+292)
08-18 12:19:14.427 32264 32264 F DEBUG   :     #04 pc 00000000000221f0  /data/app/com.Pixnami.TronVR-1/lib/arm64/libovrplatformloader.so
08-18 12:19:14.427 32264 32264 F DEBUG   :     #05 pc 0000000000022304  /data/app/com.Pixnami.TronVR-1/lib/arm64/libovrplatformloader.so
08-18 12:19:14.427 32264 32264 F DEBUG   :     #06 pc 0000000000011454  /system/bin/linker64 (__dl__ZN6soinfo10call_arrayEPKcPPFvvEmb+348)
08-18 12:19:14.427 32264 32264 F DEBUG   :     #07 pc 000000000000f2fc  /system/bin/linker64 (__dl__ZN6soinfo17call_constructorsEv+140)
08-18 12:19:14.427 32264 32264 F DEBUG   :     #08 pc 000000000000f140  /system/bin/linker64 (__dl__Z9do_dlopenPKciPK17android_dlextinfoPv+2112)
08-18 12:19:14.427 32264 32264 F DEBUG   :     #09 pc 000000000000b788  /system/bin/linker64 (__dl_android_dlopen_ext+60)
08-18 12:19:14.427 32264 32264 F DEBUG   :     #10 pc 00000000000046bc  /system/lib64/libnativeloader.so (_ZN7android17OpenNativeLibraryEP7_JNIEnviPKcP8_jobjectP8_jstring+244)
08-18 12:19:14.427 32264 32264 F DEBUG   :     #11 pc 00000000003275e8  /system/lib64/libart.so (_ZN3art9JavaVMExt17LoadNativeLibraryEP7_JNIEnvRKNSt3__112basic_stringIcNS3_11char_traitsIcEENS3_9allocatorIcEEEEP8_jobjectP8_jstringPS9_+1016)
08-18 12:19:14.427 32264 32264 F DEBUG   :     #12 pc 0000000000004698  /system/lib64/libopenjdkjvm.so (JVM_NativeLoad+284)
08-18 12:19:14.427 32264 32264 F DEBUG   :     #13 pc 00000000005de630  /system/framework/arm64/boot.oat (offset 0x54e000) (java.lang.Runtime.nativeLoad+204)
08-18 12:19:14.428 32264 32264 F DEBUG   :     #14 pc 00000000005de0d0  /system/framework/arm64/boot.oat (offset 0x54e000) (java.lang.Runtime.doLoad+204)
08-18 12:19:14.428 32264 32264 F DEBUG   :     #15 pc 00000000005dff00  /system/framework/arm64/boot.oat (offset 0x54e000) (java.lang.Runtime.loadLibrary0+748)
08-18 12:19:14.428 32264 32264 F DEBUG   :     #16 pc 0000000000601c14  /system/framework/arm64/boot.oat (offset 0x54e000) (java.lang.System.loadLibrary+96)
08-18 12:19:14.429 32264 32264 F DEBUG   :     #17 pc 00000000000d30e8  /system/lib64/libart.so (art_quick_invoke_static_stub+600)
08-18 12:19:14.429 32264 32264 F DEBUG   :     #18 pc 00000000000dff80  /system/lib64/libart.so (_ZN3art9ArtMethod6InvokeEPNS_6ThreadEPjjPNS_6JValueEPKc+256)
08-18 12:19:14.429 32264 32264 F DEBUG   :     #19 pc 00000000002bafa4  /system/lib64/libart.so (_ZN3art11interpreter34ArtInterpreterToCompiledCodeBridgeEPNS_6ThreadEPNS_9ArtMethodEPKNS_7DexFile8CodeItemEPNS_11ShadowFrameEPNS_6JValueE+312)
08-18 12:19:14.429 32264 32264 F DEBUG   :     #20 pc 00000000002b3894  /system/lib64/libart.so (_ZN3art11interpreter6DoCallILb0ELb0EEEbPNS_9ArtMethodEPNS_6ThreadERNS_11ShadowFrameEPKNS_11InstructionEtPNS_6JValueE+528)
08-18 12:19:14.429 32264 32264 F DEBUG   :     #21 pc 00000000005b12ac  /system/lib64/libart.so (MterpInvokeStatic+356)
08-18 12:19:14.429 32264 32264 F DEBUG   :     #22 pc 00000000000c5994  /system/lib64/libart.so (ExecuteMterpImpl+14612)

Turns out this was because the “OnlineSubsystemGooglePlay” plugin needs to be enabled. Worked without any issues before 4.25.

In my case I think it’s because I included “Android/AndroidPlatformMisc.h”