I was packaging just fine in 4.25 this morning. Today I updated to 4.25.1 and now if I go to Package/Win64 I crash on the choose folder location window. Also if I go to plugin settings/packaging/staging directory and click the three dots. I also crash.
I’m freaking out of course because I don’t think it’s possible to download to 4.25.
What could cause this? I have tried completely uninstalling and reinstalling 4.25.1. I also deleted my AppData derived data cache.
I have visual studio community installed with c++ game tools and .net framework 4.8 sdk
The crash reporter shows:
Unhandled Exception: 0xe0434f4d
Clicking the three dots to choose a location for where to create a new project from the editor also crashes 4.25.1!!! I guess this has nothing to do with packaging
I’m getting a similar crash whenever I access explorer from within UE - either through the import menu or using a 3rd party plugin like UAsset browser. I have Plastic SCM but not shell integrated. Wondering what other shell items it could be…
Similar issue here, also using Plastic SCM. I crash consistently when clicking the “import” buton from the interface. Drag-drop from Windows explorer doesn’t crash UE, It happens across different scenes, even a blank one, so it’s not project related. Disabling Plastic SCM in plugin didn’t fix the issue for us. It also happens on right-click > asset action > export to FBX
This has nothing to do with any plugins. It’s an issue with file explorer shell extensions that modify the file explorer such as icons or right click menu items
Worked for me: I downloaded ShellExView and started disabling all extensions that seemed “weird”, It turned out the DBR Extensions (Dell Backup & Recovery) were crashing Unreal (see attached picture). It is working now. Not sure It is safe using ShellExtView though, , You may use (or not) at your own risk. !alt text
I had this crash while choosing folder for new C++ class, as well as during asset migration process.
Yup, after uninstaling Plastic SCM shell extension everything works now. I guess it’s the same for Perforce.