4.24.3 Hotfix released

The 4.24.3 Hotfix is now live!

Feel free to discuss this release on the 4.24 forum thread.

If you experience a bug with the 4.24.3 Hotfix, please follow the How To Report a Bug Guide to report it on the UE4 Answerhub.

Fixed in 4.24.3

Fixed! UE-88841 Backtrace callstacks in logs are incomplete
Fixed! UE-88063 Not Able To Save Packages Larger Than 4GB During Cooking/Packaging
Fixed! UE-88122 UHT runs unnecessarily for installed engine builds
Fixed! UE-87506 World Memory Leak crash creating new level blueprint after editing sub level blueprint
Fixed! UE-88810 Load Stream Level action doesn’t trigger out execution pin if the level is invalid
Fixed! UE-85964 Action Rpg Sample Creating a new GameplayCue handler crashes the editor in 4.24
Fixed! UE-85899 UAIPerceptionSystem::Tick() has a chance of not being called after level reloading
Fixed! UE-89391 BP instance-specific struct initialization in a native C++ ctor resets values to default in the optimized BP post-construct initialization code path.
Fixed! UE-86185 GitHub 6493 : Paper2d bugfixes: UE-85752
Fixed! UE-85752 Paper2D Sprite Vertex Normals changed from 4.23 to 4.24
Fixed! UE-88913 Enums with _MAX value larger than maximum value of storage type can cause memory stomp.
Fixed! UE-88894

PIE crash due to non-empty ULevel::DestroyedReplicatedStaticActors array

Fixed! UE-88130 Issue with stateless handshake acks
Fixed! UE-87878 Linux server builds of 4.24.0 failing due to Text3D plugin’s dependencies on FreeType2 and HarfBuzz
Fixed! UE-87239 Crash in Mac editor with MSAA and forward shading.
Fixed! UE-88689 Dynamic skylight affects only movable objects on mobile
Fixed! UE-88260 ExtendDefaultLuminanceRange causes black rendering on Mobile renderer
Fixed! UE-85334 EditableText cannot correctly compose Chinese text with “Use Integrated keyboard” checked when launching under IOS 13.
Fixed! UE-87301 Crash deleting Cloth Data - Referencing meshpassprocessor.inl:106
Fixed! UE-88786

[CrashReport] UE4Editor-MetalRHI!FMetalHashedVertexDescriptor::operator=(FMetalHashedVertexDescriptor const&) [MetalVertexDeclaration.cpp:96]

Fixed! UE-89219 Fixed velocity flatten performance regression in 4.24.2
Fixed! UE-77917 Material Nodes WorldPositionOffset example crashes AMD WX5700 XT graphics driver
Fixed! UE-85202 Niagara system loses source emitters when moving Engine from 4.22 or earlier to 4.23 or later.
Fixed! UE-85863 [CrashReporter] UE4Editor-RenderCore!EmitNullShaderParameterFatalError(FShader const *,FShaderParametersMetadata const *,unsigned short) [ShaderParameterStruct.cpp:422]
Fixed! UE-86081 DX12 triangle count not showing in stat RHI
Fixed! UE-85312 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-MetalRHI!FMetalCommandEncoder::SetShaderTexture(mtlpp::FunctionType, FMetalTexture const&, unsigned long, mtlpp::ResourceUsage) [MetalCommandEncoder.cpp:1702]
Fixed! UE-84531 Meshes flicker when viewing the infiltrator cinematic in Vulkan
Fixed! UE-84575 Crash when launching shadermodel package w/d3ddebug on P6000 Windows -dx12
Fixed! UE-88345 Level menu does not appear when Right-Clicking actors that live in Persistent Level
Fixed! UE-89037 CAD import using Python: Tessellation settings are not working
Fixed! UE-88893 Datasmith CAD importer: Instancing is broken. To much static mesh created.
Fixed! UE-88259 HLOD proxy generation invalidates other clusters
Fixed! UE-87304 Skeletal mesh editor asset size can be too big when there is a lot of morph target
Fixed! UE-88729 Toggle Visibility Level does not propagade to Client in Multi-User Session
Fixed! UE-87437 Sound Wave created by recording with Take Recorder is created with 0 channels and no audio is heard
Fixed! UE-50831 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_PropertyEditor!FObjectPropertyNode::GetValueBaseAddress() | FSequencerObjectChangeListener::OnObjectPostEditChange
Fixed! UE-89076 Hit proxies are not invalidated on sequencer evaluation
Fixed! UE-87942 Custom origin doesn’t work for PICP and PICP-MPCDI projection policies
Fixed! UE-87936 nDisplay Log on tick
Fixed! UE-88928 Text3D plugin failed to load error when opening UE4Editor
Fixed! UE-88089 nDisplay fixes
Fixed! UE-87512 World Origin Shifting Rendering Desync On Play
Fixed! UE-87138 Toggling ‘vr.bEnableStereo’ changes resolution for VR preview on WindowsMixedReality
Fixed! UE-86988 Motion Controller Components Don’t Track Motion Controllers
Fixed! UE-86761 VR Preview doesn’t render on Windows Mixed Reality HMD after the first session using OpenXR
Fixed! UE-86396 Motion Controllers fail to track during Launch On
Fixed! UE-88548 GitHub 6680 : SteamVR Input Hotfix 3 Candidate Fixes
Fixed! UE-78960 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-OculusAvatar!UOvrAvatarGazeTarget::BeginDestroy() [OvrAvatarGazeTarget.cpp:68]
Fixed! UE-80182 HoloLens(1&2) Failure to connect via holographic remoting
Fixed! UE-85701 XrSwapchain not recreated after VR Preview restarts
Fixed! UE-85847 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-VREditor!UVREditorMode::StartViewport(TSharedPtr<SLevelViewport,0>) [VREditorMode.cpp:1113]
Fixed! UE-85917 VR Trackpad Axis Values 0