Updated from 4.22 to 4.23. Had consistent 120 fps when looking all directions, now varies from 110-90 fps depending on which way camera is looking in relation to the directional light source. Tested by rotating the light source and noticing the direction the framerate drops matches, nothing else in scene. Any ideas?, I’ve gained upto 1ms.
I’m getting this exact same bug actually. It seemed to happen in our project not simply after we upgraded it from 4.22 (or we simply didn’t notice somehow for a few weeks) but in the last week when we edited the intensity on the directional light. Now whenever you look in the general vicinity of where it’s pointing, you lose a significant amount of performance rendering the level unplayable. Deleting the directional light also doesn’t help, despite being deleted it still shows up in the scene rendering and tanks performance.
Have you used stat gpu
to see what part of the frame is increasing? I’ve seen this happen before because when the camera is aligned with the light direction, more shadow casters need to render in the shadow depths pass. In your scene it doesn’t look like there are many shadow casting meshes unless your grass is casting shadows? Might have nothing to do with shadows, but stat gpu
in the console should point you in the right direction.