4.22.1 Hotfix released

The 4.22.1 Hotfix is now live!

Feel free to discuss this release on the 4.22 forum thread.

If you experience a bug with the 4.22.1 Hotfix, please follow the How To Report a Bug Guide to report it on the UE4 Answerhub.

Fixed in 4.22.1

Fixed! UE-66389 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_CoreUObject!CastLogError() [casts.cpp:11]
Fixed! UE-72732 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-Engine!USkeletalMesh::GetMappableNodeData(TArray<FName,FDefaultAllocator> &,TArray<FNodeItem,FDefaultAllocator> &) [SkeletalMesh.cpp:3104]
Fixed! UE-72731 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-Engine!UAnimSequence::BakeOutVirtualBoneTracks() [AnimSequence.cpp:2866]
Fixed! UE-72757 Audio: LibSoundFile is not included in binary
Fixed! UE-72698 Editor crashes when entering and exiting PIE multiple times
Fixed! UE-71864 Crash when loading statistics into Session Frontend Profiler.
Fixed! UE-72236 Pkginfo commandlet is crashing when running with -properties parameter or when specifying a file that doesn’t exist or can’t be loaded
Fixed! UE-72230 Cannot create a C++ project with Visual Studio 2019 in a source build - Failed to open selected source code accessor ‘Visual Studio’
Fixed! UE-72524 Live Coding console appears when invoking RunUAT from command line
Fixed! UE-72324 Live coding fails on machine with only Visual Studio Express installed
Fixed! UE-73027 Cannot interact with the scrollbar at the bottom of the Live Coding Console window
Fixed! UE-72487 UE4Editor modules file is not written to properly when packaging a plugin
Fixed! UE-72305 Prefer non-express versions of Visual Studio
Fixed! UE-72765 Errors making installed engine build using remote Mac
Fixed! UE-73075 UE4 source in binary build has lots of Intellisense squiggles
Fixed! UE-71031 UnrealHeaderTool is always executed if the UBT makefile is invalidated
Fixed! UE-72711 Navmesh tiles fail to generate
Fixed! UE-72559 Timelines in ActorBPs no longer function when packaged with Nativization
Fixed! UE-72424 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-BlueprintGraph!FBlueprintActionDatabase::Tick(float) [BlueprintActionDatabase.cpp:1165]
Fixed! UE-72110 Crash using Find Actor in Level Blueprint action while in PIE
Fixed! UE-72047 Move recent BP component optimization ensure() fix into 4.22.1 hotfix
Fixed! UE-72727 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-Kismet!DispatchCheckVerify<void,<lambda_c743deafb79ebecab857062cedb0f2a7> >(<lambda_c743deafb79ebecab857062cedb0f2a7> &&) [AssertionMacros.h:162]
Fixed! UE-73194 Struct does not appear to save changes after compiling and saving it resets to null
Fixed! UE-72316 Crash when duplicating multiple components at once
Fixed! UE-72252 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-Engine!ParallelForWithPreWork(int,TFunctionRef<void >,TFunctionRef<void >,bool) [ParallelFor.h:221]
Fixed! UE-72235 Crash recompiling blueprints with subobjects that are also blueprints
Fixed! UE-47471 Components tree is ending up with duplicate entries (same pointer added to the list view more than once), causing an assert
Fixed! UE-72357 Crash hovering mouse over text variable on blueprint breakpoint
Fixed! UE-73108 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-Kismet!SSCSEditor::AddNewComponent(UClass ,UObject ,bool,bool) [SSCSEditor.cpp:5121]
Fixed! UE-72605 Component names do not increment correctly when duplicating a component whose name ends with a number
Fixed! UE-72604 Duplicating a component can result in a broke component that generates a compile error
Fixed! UE-72366 Render on Media Output creates an assertions: Assertion failed: IsValid() [File:d:\perforce\release-4.22\engine\source\runtime\core\public\Templates/SharedPointer.h]
Fixed! UE-72334 AJA IO 4k plus card displays QUAD link 5-8 available as media output while this card does not support it
Fixed! UE-73037 Loading screen widgets no longer display if no movies are present
Fixed! UE-72816 BlackMagic Media Output crashes on Capture Media: UE4Editor_MediaIOCore!UMediaCapture::CacheOutputOptions() [d:\perforce\release-4.22\engine\plugins\media\mediaioframework\source\mediaiocore\private\mediacapture.cpp:264]
Fixed! UE-72984 Crash due to LAN beacon packet incompatibility in 4.22
Fixed! UE-71586 Unable to compile code projects from installed build on Linux
Fixed! UE-71873 Launch on Linux to HTML5 fails due to undefined symbol: tzname
Fixed! UE-71735 Crash Files aren’t being generated from debug crash with a Linux Cooked Server
Fixed! UE-71188 [ShooterGame] LogFileManager warning seen when launching packaged game
Fixed! UE-72278 FOCUS OUT Events Cause Hitch in the Editor
Fixed! UE-72949 Crash in FVulkanLinuxPlatform
Fixed! UE-72416 ActionRPG crashes when packaged for Linux
Fixed! UE-72446 Deployment server crashes in DeploymentServer.Program.ClientLoop
Fixed! UE-71899 Error on tvOS app start: Error excluding PersistentDownloadDir from backup
Fixed! UE-71919 tvOS banner and App thumbnail do not appear on device; errors during app upload to Apple
Fixed! UE-71886 FireFox Quantum 67.0b3 fails to launch on correctly
Fixed! UE-71977 Crash when changing Preview Rendering Level in ARPG.
Fixed! UE-72058 tvOS: Project Packaged with CloudKit Support Crashes on Launch Due to Malformed Value in the Entitlement
Fixed! UE-66627 Full Screen Native Resolution not supported on new iPad Pro 11-inch and iPad Pro 12.9 inch (3rd generation)
Fixed! UE-72638 iOS iCloud app fails to upload to App Store – entitlements that are not supported; value '

Fixed! UE-73067 iOS blueprint apps are named “UE4Game” regardless of project name when packaged from Mac
Fixed! UE-73066 iOS app icons appear blank on device for C++ projects packaged from Mac
Fixed! UE-73073 tvOS blueprint project names display incorrectly on device
Fixed! UE-72410 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-MetalRHI!FMetalStateCache::SetRenderTargetsInfo(FRHISetRenderTargetsInfo const&, FMetalQueryBuffer
, bool) [MetalStateCache.cpp:485]
Fixed! UE-72404 Translucent Elements of an Invisible StaticMesh are Visible If Hidden Shadow is Enabled
Fixed! UE-71877 Crash on Mac while packaging TM-Decals with Forward Shading enabled
Fixed! UE-71827 Mac and Linux RHI does not update in Editor information ProjectName panel
Fixed! UE-71706 Textures created for Static Mesh LODs during level LOD generation are incorrect
Fixed! UE-70628 Ensure: ReflectionCaptureBuffer.IsBound occurs when building texture streaming for the first time
Fixed! UE-70591 Toggling the Shader Complexity viewmode requires missing viewmode shaders to be compiled
Fixed! UE-70473 GitHub 5572 : C4800 raised by vs2019 preview3
Fixed! UE-72279 Paper2D Tilemap doesn’t render tiles correctly when more than one layer is added.
Fixed! UE-72184 Ensure when enabling Simple Collision and Material Highlight in the static mesh editor
Fixed! UE-72174 Sliced procedural mesh causes blocky unexpected shadows
Fixed! UE-72123 Assertion failed: !BatchElement.IndexBuffer || (BatchElement.IndexBuffer && BatchElement.IndexBuffer->IsInitialized() && BatchElement.IndexBuffer->IndexBufferRHI)
Fixed! UE-72116 Assertion failed: !Elements[ElementIndex].PrimitiveUniformBuffer in GeometryCollectionSceneProxy
Fixed! UE-72052 Editor Crashes after enabling TemporalAA Upsampling with lower Screen Percentages - Referencing PostProcessTemporalAA.cpp Line: 799
Fixed! UE-72050 Shaders Appear to have Less Complexity
Fixed! UE-72893 Creating a VolumeTexture from an asset source not in RGBA8 crashes the engine
Fixed! UE-72724 Move HLR race condition fix to 4.22.1
Fixed! UE-72723 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-MetalRHI!FMetalRHICommandContext::RHISetShaderUniformBuffer(FRHIVertexShader*, unsigned int, FRHIUniformBuffer*) [MetalCommands.cpp:524]
Fixed! UE-72679 Shadows are Heavily Aliased with PCSS Enabled
Fixed! UE-72650 Editor crashes when connecting Eye Adaptation to Base Color
Fixed! UE-67825 TM-ShaderModels -game running about 20 FPS
Fixed! UE-70514 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-D3D11RHI!VerifyD3D11Result(long,char const *,char const *,unsigned int,ID3D11Device *) [D3D11Util.cpp:249] - FD3D11DynamicRHI::RHICreateStructuredBuffer
Fixed! UE-60339 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_D3D11RHI!FD3D11DynamicRHI::RHICreateUniformBuffer() [d3d11uniformbuffer.cpp:218]
Fixed! UE-72440 Assert When Changing Scalability Levels
Fixed! UE-73115 Denoisers are not reprojecting history correctly with dedicated velocity pass.
Fixed! UE-72833 Assertion failed when attempting Android/HTML5 launch on of TM-ShaderModels referencing OpenGLUniformBuffer.cpp:746
Fixed! UE-71643 [CrashReporter] UE4Editor-Engine!FMaterialRenderProxy::EvaluateUniformExpressions(FUniformExpressionCache &,FMaterialRenderContext const &,FRHICommandList *) [MaterialShared.cpp:2039]
Fixed! UE-73090 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-Renderer!FMaterialShader::VerifyExpressionAndShaderMaps(FMaterialRenderProxy const *,FMaterial const &,FUniformExpressionCache const *) [ShaderBaseClasses.cpp:165]
Fixed! UE-71514 AMD Vega 64 - Editor crash running with -vulkan
Fixed! UE-71361 EngineTest: Screenshot ‘LODCurveLinkingTest1’ test failed, Screnshots were different!
Fixed! UE-73141 Assertion failed when attempting Lumin launch on TM-ShaderModels, referencing VulkanUniformBuffer.cpp
Fixed! UE-72356 Changing particle system template via Blueprints crashes Editor and packaged game
Fixed! UE-72431 Crash in Niagara SetExecutionState
Fixed! UE-72970 Correct Niagara’s “collision” module’s metadata
Fixed! UE-71662 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-D3D12RHI!FD3D12RayTracingDescriptorCache::GetDescriptorTableBaseIndex(D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE const *,unsigned int,D3D12_DESCRIPTOR_HEAP_TYPE) [D3D12RayTracing.cpp:521]
Fixed! UE-72133 Some alpha-masked materials are not rendered correctly in Path Tracing view mode
Fixed! UE-72903 IES profiles are not working in Ray Tracing reflections nor translucency
Fixed! UE-72837 StochasticRectLight does not respect Light “samples per pixel” control
Fixed! UE-72720 Enable two sided geometry by default for ray tracing shadows
Fixed! UE-72619 Computation on how many view descriptors to allocate for ray tracing resource descriptor heaps is not accurate enough.
Fixed! UE-72620 Wrong composition between RT reflection and cubemap/sky when pre-exposition is enabled.
Fixed! UE-72613 The Path tracer is using invalid ray flags
Fixed! UE-72759 PrepareRayTracingShadows is missing some denoiser requirements
Fixed! UE-72623 Added basic resource usage stats for ray tracing
Fixed! UE-72621 Path tracing invalidation buffer issues
Fixed! UE-72693 Path tracing pure specular brdf renders black
Fixed! UE-71313 GitHub 5610 : Ansel photography: raytracing boosts for ‘high quality’ mode (4.22-ansel53)
Fixed! UE-72521 Compile fixes when enabling VULKAN_ENABLE_DUMP_LAYER
Fixed! UE-71894 Crash opening TM-ShaderModels with Intel’s RHI Thread changes: D3D device being lost.
Fixed! UE-71262 Vulkan’s RHIPushEvent/PopEvent allocate heap memory even when the event is unused
Fixed! UE-72118 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-D3D12RHI!D3D12RHI::FD3DGPUProfiler::UnregisterCommandList(GFSDK_Aftermath_ContextHandle__ *) [D3D12Stats.cpp:383]
Fixed! UE-72983 stat GPU not working on D3D12
Fixed! UE-70143 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-Core!FDebug::CheckVerifyFailedImpl(char const *,char const *,int,wchar_t const *,…) [AssertionMacros.cpp:418]
Fixed! UE-69956 Crash occurs while simulating blueprint after triggering a breakpoint and clicking Step Over
Fixed! UE-71291 Assertion failed in DX12 RHI after instancing actors
Fixed! UE-72471 Crash trying to play audio when no audio asset
Fixed! UE-72428 Niagara: Losing focus when editor is open
Fixed! UE-72362 GitHub 5681 : Fix command line sequence render
Fixed! UE-72198 CLONE - Sequencer Batch Rendering cannot output multiple render passes in CLI
Fixed! UE-72197 Infinite sections when upgrading past 4.19 can be non-infinite
Fixed! UE-72097 Entering a text value in the Properties Context Menu closes the context window
Fixed! UE-72862 Sequencer set_interpolation_mode erroneously outputs an error
Fixed! UE-72675 Flattening a weighted tangent causes the tangent handle to go outside of playback range
Fixed! UE-73000 Crash after Undo and garbage collection on sequencer track
Fixed! UE-72417 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-Blutility!FBlutilityModule::OnMapChanged(UWorld *,EMapChangeType) [BlutilityModule.cpp:150]
Fixed! UE-72240 Port Reduction fixes to 4.22.1
Fixed! UE-72239 Port HLOD fixes to 4.22.1
Fixed! UE-68121 Ensure deleting StarterContent folder while having StarterMap open
Fixed! UE-67607 Crash when deleting map that is open in the level editor ([CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!AActor::IncrementalRegisterComponents() [actor.cpp:4173])
Fixed! UE-72863 [ActionRPG] Crash when Selecting Vulkan Targeted RHI for Windows
Fixed! UE-73150 Crash while holding a window Tab during Auto Save
Fixed! UE-72507 Crash occurs when adding an array element to Landscape Materials Override
Fixed! UE-59256 Foliage: when applying a scale to either painted instance or spawned from a procedural volume the LOD do not take it into consideration
Fixed! UE-72338 Literal text values on BP function return nodes aren’t gathered for localization
Fixed! UE-72314 Unable to save Blueprint Function Library if it references a string table entry
Fixed! UE-72205 Creating a new material instance and exposing lightmass settings causes crash
Fixed! UE-72853 Sequential Level Loading in Python causes Crash
Fixed! UE-71865 UMG Slider continues to move beyond the slider’s limits on short tracks
Fixed! UE-72729 [CrashReport] UE4Editor-Engine!ULevel::IsCurrentLevel() [Level.cpp:2096]
Fixed! UE-72183 Exeption or Freeze when disabling Audio Tracks while GPU Hardware Acceleration is activated
Fixed! UE-72511 Cooked project assert crash on exit with Oculus splash screens
Fixed! UE-71104 SteamVR Stereo layers are using incorrect orientation conversion
Fixed! UE-71034 Stereo layer appears to move opposite the HMD when using Vive
Fixed! UE-73022 Crash entering VR Preview while using a Stereo Layer - Assertion failed: XRCamera.IsValid() in SteamVRStereoLayers.cpp
Fixed! UE-72717

FParallelMeshDrawCommandPass::DispatchPassSetup causes out-of-bounds read

Fixed! UE-72648 Disable Oculus Audio on Android
Fixed! UE-70061 Integrate new Open XR API plugin for 4.22.1
Fixed! UE-72026 steamVR: Crash exiting through steamVR overlay with stereo layers enabled
Fixed! UE-73006 OpenXR ensure occurs when opening a project with OpenXR plugin enabled
Fixed! UE-73011 Packaging fails with OpenXR plugin enabled
Fixed! UE-71909 Missing receipt error packaging blueprint projects with ARCore plugin enabled
Fixed! UE-72406 Audio Capture Timecode Provider asserts if no source device can be found.