[4.21] Layered Materials > Blending Physical or Subsurface Profiles (?)


My current understanding is Material blending requires MaterialFunctions, however MF’s have limitations. (correct?)

I’d like to additionally blend/layer separate physcial or subsurface profiles using masks.
Is there further documentation regarding this or would this be part of the limitations to MaterialFunctions?

Thanks in Advance!

References:UE4 - 4.19 Layered Materials Setup - YouTube

No. Material Layers were an experimental feature and are abandoned

Thank you for the response.

I see that the option for “Material Layers” in the drop down does not show like in the videos.

I’m not sure I understand as I’m able to create layered materials in 4.21 with MaterialFunctions, I’m just trying to figure if/how to include mulitple subsurface or physical profiles to the Master Material/s.

Please pardon my confusion, but are you saying the feature hasn’t been removed completely, but support and further development of the feature has been abandoned?

Is layered materials & layering material functions in a material (2) different features?

It’s not removed, but it’s also not being actively developed for the foreseeable future. And as far as I know, Physical Materials and Sub-Surface Profiles are limited to one per material. They can’t be accessed in the material graph and are only associated with the material object.

Thank you for clarifying, much appreciated.