4.20 Niagara Why I can't dynamic change skeletal mesh in blueprint or C++?

I can dynamic change float value,vector2D value by set Niagara variable(float/vector2D) interface

but how to dynamic change skeletal mesh souce???

is this a bug???

Is there anybody help?

Yeah I’m trying to do the same thing, but I simply don’t have access to Niagara mesh parameters via BP, therefore I can’t change anything. Maybe it’s intended to work in some other way?

Hello, I’m sorry to ask you another question.
I’m trying to make particles spawn on the skeletal mesh surface.
I used sample skeletal mesh and skeletal mesh location in niagara but it’s not working.
It seems that your niagara particles spawn on skeletal mesh well.
Could you give me any information about skeletal mesh particles?
Thank you.

Has anyone found a solution how to change a skeletal mesh dynamically?


Take a look at the attachment option listed on that page.

This site has the correct answer. For myself, I just had to set the mesh in the system and then when I attached it to the same mesh in the actor it worked with animations at runtime

While that site is awesome and has a lot of good information, it doesn’t specifically cover how to set actors or meshes as parameters dynamically during gameplay. It does explain the three static methods.

Is it possible to set a mesh dynamically through BP or C++ as a parameter?

Setting the mesh dynamically at runtime is not currently supported. We are actively developing a feature which would allow modifying data interface user parameters at runtime which will enable this workflow. Currently it’s expected to be in the 4.23 release, but should be available sooner in source builds.

The current source build still doesn’t support this apparently. Is there a ticket number or something I can look out for in the changelist descriptions? Or can you think of a workaround I could use until then?
We currently tried using the new Sequencer tracks to switch meshes in a sequence, but the Niagara data interface is not updated when doing that.

This is available in the source build from the Dev-Niagara development source stream, the apis are in the following file:


These APIs will release officially in 4.23, but you won’t be able to set these directly from sequencer. As a workaround for that you can create a blueprint event in sequencer that will call these functions. Proper sequencer integration is planned for a future release but will not make the 4.23 release.

Ah perfect! That’s fine, I can work around that. Thanks!

It is available in Dev-Niagara in NiagaraFunctionLibrary.h

By the way, this is a slightly different question but, is there a way to put a skeletal mesh inside the Niagara system?
In the mesh renderer there is an option to add a static mesh, but if I want to render particles with animation how should I do it?

Thanks in advance for any help!