So i’ve been working on a project now for a few months, the other day UE4 crashed as sometimes it does, but upon trying to load it back up and booting into my project it would get to around 82% then simply close down saying it has run out of memory; so i tried a few more times whilst monitoring my ram usage, and it would spike to over 13gb every time and some times getting over 14gb.
A couple of times it has outright put my PC into blue screen. I have since created a new project, copied over my content folder (because i can’t migrate properly, from not being able to launch the original project) it booted the first time; i waited about 15 minutes for the project to discover all the assets, i went to world settings and changed the game mode to my own game mode, and boom Errors, Errors everywhere, so i thought i’d try my luck and reboot the project, but now again it closes and peaks my RAM, but this time makes it to 95%.
Any suggestions on how to cap the ram usage of UE4, just to make the boot time slower but won’t make it crash would be extremely helpful or if anyone has any other ideas please i need soem help.