The dead zone settings under project settings > Input > axis config do not seem to be working. I tried setting values from 0 to 10000 and they dont seem to do anything. The same go for sensitivity, exponent and invert.
The dead zone settings under project settings > Input > axis config do not seem to be working. I tried setting values from 0 to 10000 and they dont seem to do anything. The same go for sensitivity, exponent and invert.
Is your right thumbstick returning valid values?
The right thumbstick of my controller is always returning a constant value of -0.994. The left thumbstick seems to be OK.
You are right, just tried it. Changing dead zone doesnt seem to change anything. I am on v4.1.0, btw.
Hi everyone,
Unfortunately thus far I have been unable to reproduce this effect. The deadzone scale is from 0.0 to 1.0, so try setting a number such as .75, which should be 75% of the input in any given direction will be ignored until that threshhold is passed. If this does not work please let me know so i can continue to assist you.
Hi Hypnotic,
I am confused as to how you are approaching this. Could I see a screenshot of your blueprint setup so I can better understand what it is you are trying to achieve? Thank you!
Sorry for the confusion here is my setup. It is a simplified version of it. My actual setup has a bunch of interpolation going on to blend aim offsets and things like that:
edit: I just wanted to add some clarification that the deadzone does not work in the first case but works in the second case.
Just as a test for this, try removing the “Left stick left” and “left stick right” from the list. Replace this with “Gamepad Left X” set to a value of 1.0. Then set the deadzone to .95 so the only time it will move is when you have it fully extended. See if that works and we will go from there. I will also post an image of my input settings setup for comparison, currently all deadzones are set to .25.
Hey ,
I have tried values from 0 to 1. Even setting it to .75 or even 1 like you mentioned. It unfortunately does nothing in my case. Also in my setup the values don’t gradually scale from 0 to 1 the more you push the analog stick in the direction, it is just either 0 or 1. The gradual values only happen if I reference the gamepad thumbstick directly in blueprints using the appropriate input event. This does not work if I pass it through the axis mapping like I have in my screenshot above.
@Anshul. The thumbstick is returning valid values but all values are either 0 or 1 depending on the scale settings ofcourse
Thanks , that works great. Now is there any way to remove the axis interpolation but keep the dead zone?
Nevermind got it working. Just used a ceil on the axis value. Thanks
I’m happy to hear you have it working! I’ll mark this as answered for tracking, if you run into further trouble please feel free to re-open this for further discussion.
Actually having the same problem right now. Deadzone is 0.25, but even the smallest hint on the stick, even ‘touching’ it, fires events and moves my character.
Hi ,
Did you try the test I have below? Set the deadzone to .95 and see if you move at any time before reaching the maximum extents of the stick.
It’s 2019. Why does “Gamepad Left Thumbstick Left” Action mapping still ignore “Gamepad_LeftX” Axis Config?