4.2 Engine/Binaries/ThirdParty folder missing content

So we upgraded to 4.2 last night and it seems we are all missing a lot of content - perhaps only on OS X, I am not not near anyone with Windows right now.

In 4.1 and in the 4.2 preview we had a lot of stuff , ANGLE, ImgTec, IOS, nVTextueTools, PhysX etc…

in 4.2 full release we have ImgTec and Mono.

The first sign of a problem (on another Question here) is that we can’t use SVN anymore, the executable is missing :frowning:

Yep, same problem here after the update from 4.1.1->4.2


Tried copying the svn folder from the 4.2 preview but that seems have more errors after forcing me to upgrade my working copy from 1.7 to 1.8…

Error svn: E215004: Authentication failed and interactive prompting is disabled; see the --force-interactive option
svn: E215004: Unable to connect to a repository at URL ‘https://XXXXX@YYYYY.svn.cloudforge.com/GAME/trunk
svn: E215004: No more credentials or we tried too many times.
Authentication failed

This is totally busted. So I’ve done the same thing and grabbed the Optional, required 1of2 required 2of2, to get all the required files back.

Connecting to cloudforge, I get:
Error svn: E175002: Unexpected HTTP status 405 ‘Method Not Allowed’ on ‘/xxxxxxx/trunk/XXXXXX’

svn: E175002: Additional errors:
svn: E175002: PROPFIND request on ‘/xxxxxx/trunk/XXXXXXX’ failed: 405 Method Not Allowed

Looks like there aren’t needed anymore. At least everything seems okay. The missing svn integration was address with the QFE at: Current Available Quick-Fix Solutions - Announcements - Unreal Engine Forums