Was running fine on 4.2, when I noticed there was an update available for 4.2.1. After accepting it and reloading my project, it would no longer run as before, and I noticed that the “MyCharacter” Blueprint class was missing from the content browser. I had built this blueprint based on the official Unreal Engine Third Person Blueprint Game tutorials here:
I have since extended it to encompass the game I am creating. However the engine refuses to show it in the content browser. I looked at the error log, and it shows “The file (path)/Content/Character/MyCharacter.uasset’ contains unrecognizable data, check that it is of the expected type.”
Per the tutorial the MyCharacter blueprint the blueprint was placed in the Character folder, but just to make sure I copied a backup into the Blueprints folder in case that was the issue, but the engine will still not show it in the content browser.
Please assist; this has broken my entire project and I cannot proceed. If 4.2.1 can’t work with that blueprint, I’ll need to know what needs to be changed so that it can, and how to revert to 4.2.0 to make those changes.
I’m sorry you’re experiencing this issue. Here is some options to try. If I misunderstood anything you said above, please bear with me and we can continue to troubleshoot.
Create another Blueprint in the Content Browser and pick the Custom Class, search for MyCharacter. If it is there you can recreate it.
When you navigate to where the uasset is suppose to be in Windows Explorer, is the file actually there?
If neither of these worked, I believe you mentioned having a backup of the uasset? Could you upload it so we can test it as well?
1.) MyCharacter also does not show up when searching in the Custom Class dropdown when creating a new Blueprint. 2.) In the windows file system, the file is there, and as I mentioned, I tried putting it into another directory and it also wouldn’t show. The error log message seems to imply that the engine is rejecting the asset file outright. 3.) Yes, I do have the uasset file that cannot be read by 4.2.1. Upon further experimentation, I placed an earlier backup of the MyCharacter blueprint from a few days ago into the Character folder and it DID get recognized, so some difference in the blueprint that took place between that earlier version and the current version is causing 4.2.1 to reject it. I just tried to attach the file to this message, as it is within the size limit but it wouldn’t let me because it is an “invalid type”. So I have provided a dropbox link for you to get it:
Also, I noticed that the new engine frontloader seems to allow me to load earlier versions of the engine such as 4.1 or 4.0, but it specifically will not let me revert to 4.2.0, and upon uninstalling 4.2.1 it will not let me download 4.2.0 again or let me specify what version I want, likely because 4.2.1 was a hotfix. You may want to pass that feedback along that prior versions other than the major updates would be desirable as well, especially for situations like this. Thanks!
You’re right, the reason you can’t go back is because of the hotfix. If you find anyone else that is having this same issue please let us know. In the meantime, we are looking into this and trying to find the cause.
Naturally I warned everyone I knew about the problem (and inability to rollback) as soon as it happened but I’ll let you know if I hear anything. Hope that the cause is found and that something can be done. Thank you once again for your attention, its reassuring that things are being looked into so quickly!
Do you have a backup of MyCharacter.uasset? The one you posted to drop box is just full of zeroes and contains no real data (opened in a hex editor). I am not sure how it became corrupted but it will not open in any version. Did you resave this asset in 4.2.1 or where you never able to see it in 4.2.1?
I had an earlier backup from several days before that, which still worked. However the one I posted is the only one I had post-update, and I just checked it in a hex editor and came up with the same all-zeros result. Its really strange because it is around the size it should be. Prior to my updating, UE4 had a BSOD crash while I was closing the program, so that might have been the cause of the corruption. Has that ever happened before? In any case I’ll work from my backup, and be more diligent about frequent backups to prevent loss of work like this. Thanks again.
I am not aware of a BSOD crash in 4.2 while closing the program. When saving assets, a new temporary file is created and written to until complete then the original file is overwritten at the end. This usually avoids such corruption problems, but it is hard to tell. At any rate, I am glad you had a backup so you are back up and running again
Edit: BSOD crashes are often due to hardware failure. One thing to check is to make sure your drivers are up to date.
This question was answered in the comments. The uasset file became corrupted and filled with zeros, possibly during a BSOD crash while saving at shutdown. Remember to use source control or back up frequently!
Epic job Epic, My 2 weeks of RTS camera improvements now filled with 000000000. You guys are the worst tech company, its is now version 4.11.2 and this still happens, how ? BSOD crash my butt(Windows 10), computer shut down normally in the night, in the morning there is no player camera pawn(Only one Blueprint), [redacted] you guys.
■■■■ just run into the same problem - pc hung while saving my main blueprint - and now the BP is filled with NULLS
lost about 6-8hours work from the last backup
Is there a more secure blueprint saving that could be done to prevent this?