4.19 Get accurate real time changed, bugged?

Hello guys. is it only for me after I updated to 4.19 from 4.17 “Get accurate real time” works different? before it showed global time in seconds, now it shows time counted from your launcher start, or app start if tested on phone. How could I get global time in seconds in 4.19? Did they changed something?


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Hello,I solved this problem.I took the contents of the GetAccurateRealTime function from 4.17 and created a new function based on it.

Hi Szymon2112g, would you be able to explain how you were able to get the contents from the GetAccurateRealTime function from 4.17 and create a new function as I am currently running it to what seems to be an issue with it as well.

Hi, this is a function from the old version of Unreal engine 4.17, add it to your code and it should work, You change the name of the function :slight_smile:


UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, Category=“Utilities|Time”, meta=(WorldContext=“WorldContextObject”))
static void GetAccurateRealTime(const UObject* WorldContextObject, int32& Seconds, float& >PartialSeconds);


void UGameplayStatics::GetAccurateRealTime(const UObject* WorldContextObject, int32& >Seconds, float& PartialSeconds)
double TimeSeconds = FPlatformTime::Seconds();
Seconds = floor(TimeSeconds);
PartialSeconds = TimeSeconds - double(Seconds);

Thanks Szymon.
My project is done fully in Blueprint. Not too sure how to add custom code functions to it correctly. I just gave it a try by adding a new c++ class blueprint function library and it broke my project. whoops! good thing for backups.