I have not seen any major issues with UE4 since 4.13 although most of what my company does is B2B. We have been moving projects that started in 4.13 to 4.19 and it’s been a pretty simple process. There are a bit more issues popping up on the trackers but I have not seen them at my work. Or if we did have issues we fix the our selves and continue on. They usually get hotfixed or patched in the next major release.
I’m not able to recreate the issues you listed above.
4.19 is a show stop for me… actually Im skipping my 4 asset releases on MP waiting to see if 4.20 things get better prior to diving “again” into the engine source code.
Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to see faster development and less stupid mistakes (like missing LiveLink binaries while releasing it with 4.19…)
I’m just a bit sceptic when it comes to blaming Fortnite for a lot of issues in engine
For instance, development speed of Blueprint features increased rapidly around a year ago. Previously it was rare to see some useful improvement there. And recently we go TMaps, orphan pins, improved callstack debugging, BCM (yeah, I’m aware of its issues). They resumed work on Blueprint nativization and fixed lot of long-standing bugs. And there are some lovely gameplay tools that probably come from Epic games: asset management framework, gameplay tags, string tables, localization improvements.
A year of great improvements to the engine - the same year they “finished” and published Fortnite.
Seriously, while I look back at blueprints from 4.15 it’s like… how I could work with this ****?
And what if Blueprint system wouldn’t exist all if Epic wouldn’t work on these big titles?
@ forcing Blueprint Compilation Manager in 4.20
Maybe they plan to leave it as the only option because they gonna fix or they already fixed all critical issues with it?
It’s too early to panic if we can compare our experience with 4.19 only - which is a previous release for them.
And Unreal is still one of the fastest growing software in the gaming industry. Compare it with Unity or Autodesk software - and you’ll notice this Fortnite is not that horrible.
Of course, there are some crazy companies like SideFX with their Houdini which evolves rapidly, I don’t know how they do it in such small team. Although it’s a kind of software which support multiple platforms/renderers…
One other important thing I’d like to point out. When I can’t (well, I could) submit a Bug Report via the Submission Form and have it taken seriously due to being unable to reproduce it in a blank project. Case in point… right now Blueprint Debugger is clearly broken in my project, but I can’t repro it in a blank project. Just crashes to desktop, doesn’t even spit out a crash report.
I have to go look at the Windows Event Viewer to find the dump.
Hey guys,
Thanks for bringing this up, I’ve been in communication with our teams are they are looking into it! As always, please be sure to submit bugs to our teams so they can get as much info as possible.
I know you say that the Debugger crash doesn’t trigger the CrashReporter Client to open, so unfortunately we can’t trace any records of that. But I’ve searched, and found one record of a CrashReport you were able to submit. Your comment regarding the actions you took to get there were not especially informative (“May the light find its ways back to greatness.”) but I’ve traced the callstack back to this Jira ticket - Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-57969), which has been occurring for users for a few engine releases. If you are able to identify a reproduction case for the crash, please file a bug report so our support staff can also reproduce it.
What culture? The culture of people telling you what you don’t want to hear and the culture of people not enabling you to make an echo room?
Either way, if you’re getting that kind of error, it means you have broken code. It won’t necessarily be in a regular loop either. It can be something like an event executes a series of code, at the end of it, it calls another event, at the end of that other chain of code, it calls the first event, and so on. That constitutes an unbound loop, without using standard looping functions. Also, check the max loop count in the project settings. Some things might need higher loop counts.
Reanalyze your code or have someone else do so for you; rather than wallowing in confirmation bias and resorting to passive-aggressively insulting people.
Seeing as how they have reduced the support for the engine by basically having the community report bugs via a form. It only makes sense the quality of these past few engine releases have gone down. I personally have a growing concern with the dedication of resources to Fortnite from the Engine team/developers as I am pretty sure they have dumped a lot more resources into the game development. Not that I don’t understand the move, but leaving a hole in things like QA testing to help ensure stability across engine releases, and not allowing really stupid things to make it in, like let’s say the below.
Should be a simple fix, incredible headache for anyone working with static lighting and source length property. I literally have to go into all my levels, remove the source length and/or rotate it, then hopefully guess it is correct, and/or just light all of my levels differently. This is a big because it literally breaks lighting for all my levels in the game and forces me to go back and repeat work. This in turn affects our project deadline.
Now let’s move on to the crazy amount of engine hiccups and hitches over the past couple of releases. I started to notice it in 4.17/4.18 and it has only gotten worse in the 4.19 release.
In any case, I just would like to see a more stable release and better system in place for bug reporting. If you are going to give the community canned responses about how you have moved to a new bug reporting system, you’d better make sure all the gaps are covered. Like having a link provided by the staff member who received the report and post it on the answerhub/forum that it is associated with. This way others don’t have overlap in reporting and all the information is in one place…
While I do feel a lot of features get started and then left pretty much unfinished or totally undocumented, I mean you get what you get. I’m sure the devs don’t get to choose what they are assigned to work on. And for the most part they are really awesome and helpful (like Nick Darnell who used his personal time to write code so we can use gamepads in UMG, or Mieszko who has probably replied to every AnswerHub question I have seen regarding AI).
There are going to be the same kinds of issues, whether it’s Unity, CryEngine, Lumberyard, or even Reality Factory/Genesis3D.