UE-51608 Reports this bug for Windows 7 - see link for full description.
Contrary to description in UE-51608 I am experiencing the bug in Windows 10 Version 1709 build 16299.19 with Visual Studio Community 2017 version 15.4.2.
UE-51608 Reports this bug for Windows 7 - see link for full description.
Contrary to description in UE-51608 I am experiencing the bug in Windows 10 Version 1709 build 16299.19 with Visual Studio Community 2017 version 15.4.2.
Hey ragnarula-
I have updated the report to remove the reference that this does not occur on Win10.
Hi ,
One of our team found a work around/fix that can be added to an Engine Source build.
Line 224 -
if (Filename == InSolutionPath)
FString AbsoluteSolutionPath = FPaths::ConvertRelativePathToFull(InSolutionPath);
if (Filename == InSolutionPath || Filename == AbsoluteSolutionPath)
Not sure if it is useful to have that on the bug as well.