Widget Reflector.
Yes, looks great, thx Freme. Now the UE editor is really nice, but the rest of Windows 10 is unreadable, as I use 250 %. When I work at my Multiplayer, I am going to set down the Windows resolution to just HD.
Widget Reflector.
Yes, looks great, thx Freme. Now the UE editor is really nice, but the rest of Windows 10 is unreadable, as I use 250 %. When I work at my Multiplayer, I am going to set down the Windows resolution to just HD.
hm… do you have glasses? or do you sit far away from the monitor? Because 250% is heavy
Lol, a yes to both questions!
But no, that’s not very much, it corresponds to 125 % on a HD monitor, or doesn’t it? Windows itself suggests 150 % at my configuration.
I asked for the ticket number and thus wrote a report. See UE-58037. Vote for it
Edit: It was a duplicate, the real/original/correct ticket is UE-55372 – use this one if you want to vote or get the current status.
With the Widget Locator (afaik View → Dev Tools) you can adjust the DPI directly in UE. You can set it to 1.25 or whatever you like
This does nothing for me. My monitor is already set to use 100% scaling as it’s only 1080p and the windows are still not where I told them to be and also the first window is filling the screen even though I set the resolution to 960 x 540
So a better work around is to create a DefaultGameUserSettings.ini file which is located in your UnrealProjects/ProjectName/Config/ folder. I assumed everyone had this ini file but apparently you have to create it manually. For me it came with some graphics settings content I purchased on the marketplace so it’s in most of my projects.
The file name has to be DefaultGameUserSettings.ini and you put it in UnrealProject/YOURPROJECTNAME/Config along with the DefaultEditor.ini and all the others.
ResolutionSizeX=960 ; Disable if you want the engine to set to desktop resolution
ResolutionSizeY=540 ; Disable if you want the engine to set to desktop resolution
LastUserConfirmedResolutionSizeX=960 ; Disable if you want the engine to set to desktop resolution
LastUserConfirmedResolutionSizeY=540 ; Disable if you want the engine to set to desktop resolution
FullscreenMode=2 ; (Fullscreen=0, Windowed Fullscreen=1, Windowed = 2)
Keep in mind you need to change line 13, 14 and 20 to reflect the screen resolution you want and whether or not you want it to be windowed, full screen or windowed fullscreen
Then when you want to PIE, you need to click on the drop down arrow to the right of the Play button and choose New Editor Window (PIE). This will set the windows correctly. Personally I use this to place two small windows side by side to test multiplayer.
No, that does not help. There is no file ProjectName/Config/DefaultGameUserSettings.ini
, and when I create it with your suggested content, there is no change in behaviour. Using 4.18.
Strange. Perhaps this only works for 4.18. I assume you did the correct PIE options (PIE instead of Standalone, uncheck “always center …”).
Apologies, I didn’t include the entire ini file so maybe that’s why it’s not working. I’ve updated my answer to reflect the changes.
Sorry, but your suggestion really does not work. Perhaps it works for you by coincidence just because your DPI scale is 100 %, or you use 4.19 or 4.20 …
Strange. No, I’m using 4.18. The ini files are what determine these sorts of things so it’s certainly not coincidence. Maybe it’s because I’m running a 1080P monitor and not a 4k then but I had the same problem originally with my 1080P monitor and editing the DefaultGameUserSettings.ini fixed it for me. Sorry I couldn’t solve your problem. Good luck!
Oh hey. Try checking your DefaultEditorPerProjectUserSettings.ini - This is where all of the settings for the PIE get saved. Specifically these settings:
And these:
Maybe there are different issues. I can easily reproduce the error when I’m using Windows DPI Scaling. But PIE Positions are all set correctly.
So I’ve got back to the issue (as I saw the answers) and have another solution (tested it on 4k 125% DPI Scale)
Close the Engine. Right click on the UE4Editor.exe > Properties > Compatibility. Check the box for “Override high DPI scaling behavior.” Set “Scaling performed by:” to “System”.
Works for me. So I don’t have to set the Widget Reflector anymore.
hmmm that’s weird. Ok well I’m out of ideas then. Sorry guys.
Best workaround until now, thanks Freme!
But there is still one drop of bitterness: The whole UE editor (including its game windows) is rendered at a lower resolution, corresponding to your DPI factor! For example, I have 4K and 250 % DPI, so representing two PIEs side by side would normally require the PIE resolution to be set to HD (1920x1080). BUT I have to set them to 1920x1080 ÷ 2.5 = 768x432, and of course you can see that there are much fewer pixels.
Nevertheless, still better than my previous workaround
Edit: I once again asked the UE team and finally got the correct ticket number: UE-55372 And once again I ask everyone to vote for this ticket so that this really annoying issue will finally be fixed.
You probably won’t believe, but after only four versions of UE this issue is finally fixed with 4.22