4.18 low fps for no reason

Since the 4.18 version update I see the low fps warning and the advice of lowering the quality.I started to use/learn UE4 when it was 4.12 version I think but Ive never seen this error and strangely it happens randomly for 10-15 seconds only when I open a blueprint ( level blueprint/character blueprint etc ).Lowering the quality didnt make any difference and its strange because I know my pc can handle UE4 just fine. Any tips?Ive tried to reinstall and it still happens sometimes.

Bump, same here.

Getting 60 fps on a similar project that used to run at 120 on 4.17

The weird thing is that when I test the project running on my phone sometimes goes FASTER than on the PC with a nvidia 1070, so it must be something related to the editor I think.

Any information on this? I’m running a project that’s not too demanding. The GPU profiler shows about 4 ms per frame and the cpu profiler shows at most 8 ms but I’m getting frames around 15-20. No idea why.

USE “stat memory” command to check which process using memory

Updated to 4.18.1 (or maybe I just started a project from scratch in 4.18.1, don’t really remember) and the problem disappeared.
Maybe was something between 4.17 and 4.18

I created new blank project, then migrated from 4.17.2 to 4.18.2 and immediately dropped from 120fps (4.17) to 94fps (4.18). Could this have anything to do with 4K TV support in 4.18?

After packaging game (shipping/cooking content), then running in PIE, I’m back to getting 120fps in 4.18

Similar solution for me. I inexplicably went from PIE @ >60fps to <30fps. I did a ‘clean’ in VS and rebuild. Then it was back up to >60fps. Odd!