4.18 compiling error on VS2017 or VS2015

what is this error during compiling? i’m using vs2017 enterprise on win 10 enterprise x64 …
just downloaded 4.18 preview with all of dependencies and then compile :confused:


can someone help me?

Hello dvd.kh,

I’m assuming that you downloaded 4.18 from Github? When you get an error message that says “OtherCompliationError”, you can usually find more information about the error from what is in the Output log. Please let me know what is in the Output Log

Also, is 2017 the only version of Visual Studio you have installed? Do you also have the 2015 toolchain installed?

hi Matthew,

i’m just using github …
this error was happened after compiling UnrealHeaderTool and ShaderCompileWorker and XGEControlWorker …
i mean during compiling the sources of UE4Editor …

this is an nerve-racking error that happened during 4.18 …
no problem on 4.16 or 4.15 …

just installed VS 2017 on this system with recommended options …

As I mentioned, I’ll need to know what message you are receiving from the Output log in Visual Studio, as the error messages in the original post are not very descriptive.

Thank you for that output log, unfortunately it wasn’t all that helpful. Can you check the install utility to see if the C++ 2015.3 tools are installed? Here’s an example of what to look for:

installed 2015.3 tool , but same error!

I’d also make sure that you have the “Game Development with C++” package installed from the installer, I should’ve mentioned that before.

If you do already have that installed and it still is not working, I know you likely do not want to have both Visual Studio 2017 and 2015 installed but just to ensure that this is not related to an issue with 2017, can you try installing Visual Studio 2015 Express? You can find it at this website: Visual Studio Older Downloads - 2019, 2017, 2015 & Previous Versions

When installing 2015, be sure to select the “Common tools for Visual C++” from the optional installation options.

Edit: I just noticed that you mentioned VS2015 in your title as well, but I would still suggest attempting to compile using 2015 if you haven’t.

as i mentioned before tested this on vs 2015.3 enterprise and got same error …
can you tell me why i don’t have this error during 4.15 or 4.16 or 4.17 compiling?

I’m not completely sure why this is happening, as you are currently, as far as we know at least, the only person experiencing it. In the meantime while I attempt to figure out why this is happening, could you try making the change that the error mentions, by removing the “_OneParam” from the delegate declaration on that line?

yup … tried these changing of declarations before , but many same of these declaration errors was occurred!

and another thing … i don’t have .net 3.5 on my windows because this is insider edition … build 16226 enterprise.

As this seems to be an issue isolated to your current set up, I would suggest attempting to uninstall Visual Studio entirely, both versions, and try after reinstalling.

P.S.: Please post your replies as a comment instead of an answer.

ok … i upgraded windows to build 17004 enterprise - RedStone 4 and using 4.18 p3 and everything is good :]