4-18-24 List of requested features/wishlists and hopefully some feedback on whether these are in the works...

Here are some things that I would absolutely love to see in TwinMotion:


  1. Some better animation control. This does not need to be complex, maybe start with some interpolation. Could be as simple as “ease-in/ease-out” options. This would go a long way in making the animations more professional looking.

  2. Full FBX importing with animation and cameras. At the minimum, allow the importing of cameras, camera animation and settings.

Surfaces and Objects

  1. The ability to combine and split objects and surfaces. One feature that can be frustrating is how, multiple surfaces will be grouped together if they are assigned the same materials. I like and get how that is helpful in a lot of situations, but their needs to be a way to split the surfaces back.

  2. It would also be amazing at some point to be able to select the polygons and create new surfaces.

  3. Adding a tri-planer mapping option instead of the standard UV controls.

Hopefully this is enough to get started and are realistic expectations of have implemented in the near future =-)

Any Maya Plugin on the Horizon?

those points are under consideration - ETA: end of the year for interpolation