Dont know if it’s just me, but I am finding lots of bugs in the new Phat Editor.
- None of the views work from the menu, key combos work (only way to change view)
- Contraints hidden in any view except Perspective (there may be a way to turn this on, but not obvious as it is switched on in SHOW menu)
- Copy Paste contrainst still doesn’t mirror, it just copies parameter - which is still useless for arm which move in opposite direction.
- Copy/Paste keys don’t work, have to use menu. This is probably due to naming convention, but this should not be an issue, why can’t it find it by position???
- Cannot select contraints from view if all axis are locked, have to use tree.
- M key doesn’t seem to do anything (greyed out in menu too), and does noting on menu.
- UNDO stops workijng - with message in menu “can’t undo/redo while action is in progress” - no action is in progress. Really annoying after accidently moving a body!
So, far. This has happened on two different Physics assets (out of two), and after reboots. Other than layout changes, these bugs are making it no less of a pain than the original PHAT - which was always a pain.Desperately need a Copy / Paste Mirror function - even position/rotation of contrainst entry boxes would help - like bodies have).