Hi guys!
I have ran into a problem after upgrading my project to 4.17. I am getting a lot of “Identifier issues.”
I am getting a lot of them but here are 4 examples of what I am getting:
UATHelper: Packaging (iOS): UnrealBuildTool: /Volumes/Everything/Game Making/Shopping Madness/Z - Shopping Madness DEBUG1 4.17/Source/Game/Todd.h:48:58: error: use of undeclared identifier ‘UBoxComponent’; did you mean ‘RootComponent’?
UATHelper: Packaging (iOS): UnrealBuildTool: /Volumes/Everything/Game Making/Shopping Madness/Z - Shopping Madness DEBUG1 4.17/Source/Game/Todd.h:48:35: error: no matching member function for call to ‘CreateDefaultSubobject’
UATHelper: Packaging (iOS): UnrealBuildTool: /Volumes/Everything/Game Making/Shopping Madness/Z - Shopping Madness DEBUG1 4.17/Source/Game/Todd_Objective_1.h:47:58: error: use of undeclared identifier ‘UBoxComponent’; did you mean ‘RootComponent’?
UATHelper: Packaging (iOS): UnrealBuildTool: /Volumes/Everything/Game Making/Shopping Madness/Z - Shopping Madness DEBUG1 4.17/Source/Game/Todd_Objective_1.h:47:35: error: no matching member function for call to ‘CreateDefaultSubobject’
This is happening when I try to package for iOS. There are a lot more errors. I have attached my output log.
I have tried duplicating this issue on a fresh project and can not get it to duplicate. I have also spent a lot of time researching this issue and can not find the cause. I have confirmed that the issue is happening on a different computer for the same project as well.
On 4.16.3 I did not have any issues with packaging for iOS. I know I can fix some of these errors by adding headers but I know that this is not a header issue. Something is causing it to have trouble recognizing parts of classes.
This issue is happening on both Mac and Windows as well.
My primary machine:
Mac OS X 10.12.6
Unreal Engine 4.17.1
Xcode up to date.
I have researched this a lot with no luck.
Any ideas?
And is there any other information I can provide that would help? Until I find a solution I am continuing development on 4.16.3.