Hi folks,
we are currently updating our game from 4.16. to 4.17 and I’m getting some linker errors on Linux for the following plug-ins:
- AndroidPermission
- ArchVisCharacter
- CableComponent
- ImmediatePhysics
- MobilePatchingUtils
- OnlineSubsystem
- OnlineSubsystemSteam
- OnlineSubsystemUtils
- Paper2D
- PhysXVehicles
- ProceduralMeshComponent
- UdpMessaging
In the log I’m getting undefined reference to ...:
for the methods
GetPrivateStaticClassBody(wchar_t const*, wchar_t const*, UClass*&, void (*)(), ,...`
UClass* (*)(), bool)
UDelegateFunction::UDelegateFunction(FObjectInitializer const&, UFunction*, unsigned int...
UFunction::UFunction(FObjectInitializer const&, UFunction*, unsigned int, ...
and multiple definition of ...:
for lots of (probably all) other functions from the affected compile units.
It would be great to get some hints what might cause this errors or where its best to start investigation on this.