[4.17] ChildActor Component does't allow to click and edit spline


I’m trying to create an actor with inside a childactor component, the class I use for the childactor is a simple actor class which holds a spline component inside.

The problem is that when I select the spline actor class as my child actor class for the childactor component I cannot select the spline anymore and obviously I cannot edit the spline points. The latter occurs both in the blueprint editor viewport as well as in the engine viewport.

I have tested this on several engine’s versions including 4.14, 4.15, 4.16 and 4.17.

To recreate the bug:

  • Create a new blank project (either C++ or blueprint)
  • Create a blueprint class based on actor and add a spline component
  • Create another blueprint class based on actor and add a childactor component
  • Select the childactor component and for the child actor class select the blueprint created which holds the spline component
  • Try to click on the spline, and it will disappear

I saw others reporting similar issues with both the spline component, but the bugs are marked as fixed. I also saw others reporting about some issues with the child actor component, but those are also marked as fixed.

Thanks for your time.

Hello Symon231,

Thank you for reporting this. We already have a bug report in for this which you can find at this link: UE-42878. You can also track the bug’s progress using that link.

Have a nice day!

Hi Matthew,

Thanks for pointing me to the bug report link.

Have a good day!

Hi Matthew, when will this be fixed? Its been almost over a year, this is a serious bug!

We need this bugfix. Actually it is a huge limitation on the spline system!

Would really be great to see this bug fixed!

Still not fixed in UE5.3

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