Hello, i have been doing a Tutorial about Turrets from youtube.
the guy in the tutorial for every Preset he create he can see the name in the ObjectType and add the name into it
Example: in the Tutorial he Created a new collision preset called Projectile and in Object type it Shows and he add it
Then he created another Preset Called Turret and then he goes and add the name turret in the ObjectType.
Am I doing something Wrong? or its a bug?
i am going to explain something here of the steps of what i did.
Yesterday i did part 1 of the Tutorial and the Preset that i created did worked fine,(called Projectile) i saved it and close UE4.17.2.
came back few hours later to do part 2 of the tutorial.
in the part 2 of the Tutorial he added a second preset called (Turret), but then the second preset taht i created and want to add Turret in the ObjectType does not show up at all, restarted UE ans still nothing.
So again i am doing something wrong or its a bug?
Thx in Advance.