Before I updated to 4.16, my character could run when I holding down the shift-button.
In 4.16 it does not work anymore, so I changed the input value (in project settings) to “ctrl”, it didn’t work, then I tried “r” and it works fine. I changed it back to “shift” and it didn’t work again.
I think the 4.16 can’t detect the “shift” and “ctrl” as input values.
Edit: In blueprint, if I change the event from “inputAction run” to “left shift”, it works. (but that is not what I want. xD)
Hi Shisou, sorry to hear about your issues, we’re also having trouble implementing a “Sprint” feature in **Unreal Engine 4.16 ** though the Shift keys seem to function correctly on our system (Linux):
Can you provide a screenshot of your Blueprint for clarity?
For clarity: The input value for run is “shift” (set in project settings under action input, like all other key inputs).
When I break the node for “Left Shift”, then it don’t work.
Does the Left Shift node work as expected in your Blueprint or is it broken? If it works the issue may be within your DefaultInput.ini file (project “Config” directory).
Perhaps “bShift” is incorrectly set to “True” on one (or more) of your ActionMappings?
Yes, the “Left Shift” node in the BP works normal.
I checked the DefaultInput.ini file and only the run has shift as only input (a few other have a combination with shift, but that should not be the problem).
The line is: -ActionMappings=(ActionName="Run",Key=None,bShift=True,bCtrl=False,bAlt=False,bCmd=False)
Key is None, because it is set only to “shift”, so it works with left and right shift. I know that no one uses the right shift for run when the movement is set to w,a,s,d, but it should not be a problem to let it empty.
In 4.14 it worked, but in 4.16 no more.
Edit: When I change “none” to left shift and uncheck the shift command, then it works.
Using your bShift method rather than an explicit key binding also doesn’t work on our system (Ubuntu 16.04 LTS x64) though this behaviour may be correct and not a bug.
Assigning an actual key with bShift appears to work but limited in operation, it seems modifier keys (e.g. Shift) need to be pressed before the actual key though this may be a bug.
Hopefully one of the developers can add their thoughts on this topic as it would be useful information moving forward.
Had the same problem with RAMA’s plugin. If you break this part it will work when you rebind again. (the problem was it overlapped with is shift pressed Boolean).
It’s a pretty basic workaround, if you are not using two key binds this wont effect your other binds. You might want to remove Ctrl and alt if they are in use, otherwise you will encounter the same problem.